Zoom It for Mac 1.2.3 破解版 – 投影演示辅助工具


2016-10-25 3,395 百度已收录

Zoom It 是一个屏幕放大镜的放大,总是可以给你看看你在做你的MAC。它的变焦放大镜停留在你的指尖通过简单的键盘快捷键,但它从不干涉你的工作或停止你使用所有的快捷键命令你习惯。

[Zoom It 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币18元]

Zoom It for Mac 1.2.3 介绍

Zoom It is an on-screen magnifier that’s always available to give you a closer look at whatever you’re doing on your Mac. The Zoom It magnifying loupe stays at your fingertips via simple keyboard shortcuts, but it never interferes with your work or stops you from using all the shortcuts and commands you’re used to.

You can customize Zoom It shortcuts, keep the loupe on-screen, or just show it for a moment when you need it. The loupe moves naturally, centered over your cursor, and you can make it round, rectangular, big, or small, and zoom its magnification level up to 500%.


  • Designers who need a closer look at layout and design elements, palettes, and tools.
  • People who wear reading glasses or find themselves straining to see small elements on-screen.
  • Project collaborators who need to send each other detailed screenshots.
  • Presenters who want to highlight specific areas of an on-screen presentation for an audience.


Intel Processor.

  • Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later.
  • Using a very large loupe size requires more system resources. Insufficient RAM or working memory may cause slow performance.

Appatit Inc. Web Site Zoom It Support

What’s New in Version 1.2.3

  • Added compatibility with macOS Sierra‎.
  • Bug fixes
Zoom It for Mac 1.2.3 破解版 – 投影演示辅助工具-麦氪派
Zoom It for Mac 1.2.3 破解版 – 投影演示辅助工具-麦氪派
Zoom It for Mac 1.2.3 破解版 – 投影演示辅助工具-麦氪派
Zoom It for Mac 1.2.3 破解版 – 投影演示辅助工具-麦氪派
Zoom It for Mac 1.2.3 破解版 – 投影演示辅助工具-麦氪派

Zoom It for Mac 1.2.3 下载

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