Yoink for Mac 3.2 破解版 – Mac 上实用的文件中转停靠栏


2016-05-10 5,873 百度已收录

Yoink 是一款对于小屏幕很实用的文件拖放中转工具,它会在你屏幕的左侧中间地带(可以设置成右侧)生成一个专门临时存放文件的抽屉,在拖放的时候你可以将源文件先拖放到这个抽屉里边,然后再找到目标窗口,最后抽屉拖到目标窗口里,能够节省大量窗口切换的时间和不便,非常的不错的一款效率工具

[Yoink 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币45元]

Yoink for Mac 3.2 介绍

那么如果你也经常因为屏幕尺寸小,在 Mac 系统中拖放文件感觉很不方便的话,强烈推荐你试试 Yoink 这个小程序。


该程序有一个非常人性化的设计,就是抽屉平时并不会显示出来,只有当你拖放文件,或者抽屉里已经有临时保存的文件之后,才会显示。不得不说这个小软件对于小屏幕 Mac 笔记本的同学来说实在是非常实用


Version 3.2:

New Features:
  • Use Force Touch To:
  • Select all files in Yoink,
  • Show selected files in Finder,
  • QuickLook a file (or split up a Stack),
  • Pin the file in Yoink,
  • Optional Haptic Feedback when entering Yoink's window with files
  • See Yoink's Preferences to set it up the way you like it.
Other Features:
  • Shows a warning when files in Yoink are moved to the Trash in Finder
  • Reduce Motion setting
  • "Show in Finder" now supports more than one file, reflects selected files and files in Stacks
  • QuickLook Previews now remember their last position (i.e. the page in a PDF, or the playback position of a video)
  • Text snippets dragged to Yoink can now contain images (thanks, Joseph O'L. for bringing this to my attention)
  • Filepaths of files in Stacks or selected items can now be all copied to the clipboard
  • Performance and Resource Management Improvements:
  • Accepting files,
  • Dragging out items,
  • Clear All items,
  • Splitting up Stacks,
  • Opening the "Open With" menu,
  • less memory when watching for filename changes and deletions in Finder,
  • many minor ones
  • Yoink now reflects changes in the Finder's "Show all filename extensions" setting
  • Mails dragged from Yoink work again with all applications
    To create an event in Calendar from a mail message, keep the option-key pressed as you drag the mail out of Yoink
  • When Yoink is shown on a different screen than the mouse cursor, the keyboard shortcut (by default, F5) summons Yoink to the screen of the cursor
  • UI Improvements:
  • When a file is pinned to Yoink, the lock button whiggles when trying to remove it
  • When locking all files at once (by holding down the option key), all lock buttons show to indicate that all have been locked
  • Cleaned up contextual menu (instead of having another submenu, "Show in Finder" has a submenu for multiple files in a Stack)
  • Updated Lock button icon to make it easier to see if a file is pinned or not pinned
  • Uses proper font for Asian text, updated localizations
  • Buttons now don't animate from the side and the icon doesn't animate away when the mouse enters so we don't have a moving target (thanks for your input, walkie1984)
  • Improved efficiency for QuickLook
  • When a file is re-saved in Finder, Yoink updates its QuickLook icon preview
  • When a snippet is added to Yoink, it has a proper filename instead of "Snippet"
  • Better handling of text clippings from Finder
  • "Combine multiple files into a Stack" now also works with files added from the Terminal.app
  • Accepts drags from the Mac App Store on OS X El Capitan and newer
  • The preferences window, About window and Splash Screen now all open on the screen the cursor is on
  • When editing the list of ignored apps, each row can now be clicked anywhere to select/deselect, not only the checkbox
  • Yoink's window is a little wider to allow for a little more text to be shown
  • Instead of file paths, Yoink now writes fileReferenceURLs to the pasteboard (like the Finder does)
  • Added newsletter signup to the About and Splash windows
  • Numerous bugfixes.
Yoink for Mac 3.2 破解版 – Mac 上实用的文件中转停靠栏-麦氪派
Yoink for Mac 3.2 破解版 – Mac 上实用的文件中转停靠栏-麦氪派
Yoink for Mac 3.2 破解版 – Mac 上实用的文件中转停靠栏-麦氪派
Yoink for Mac 3.2 破解版 – Mac 上实用的文件中转停靠栏-麦氪派
Yoink for Mac 3.2 破解版 – Mac 上实用的文件中转停靠栏-麦氪派

Yoink for Mac 3.2 下载

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