Yoink for Mac 3.0.1 破解版 – Mac 上实用的文件中转停靠栏


2015-09-08 5,221 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。Yoink 是一款对于小屏幕很实用的文件拖放中转工具,它会在你屏幕的左侧中间地带(可以设置成右侧)生成一个专门临时存放文件的抽屉,在拖放的时候你可以将源文件先拖放到这个抽屉里边,然后再找到目标窗口,最后抽屉拖到目标窗口里,能够节省大量窗口切换的时间和不便,非常的不错的一款效率工具

[Yoink 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币30元]

Yoink for Mac 3.0.1 介绍

那么如果你也经常因为屏幕尺寸小,在 Mac 系统中拖放文件感觉很不方便的话,强烈推荐你试试 Yoink 这个小程序。


该程序有一个非常人性化的设计,就是抽屉平时并不会显示出来,只有当你拖放文件,或者抽屉里已经有临时保存的文件之后,才会显示。不得不说这个小软件对于小屏幕 Mac 笔记本的同学来说实在是非常实用


Version 3.1:

  • New Languages: Chinese (Simplified) by Peter Kang (ICanLocalize), French (updated) by 'Lazuly' (ICanLocalize), Italian by Damiano Doria, Japanese by Koichi Matsumoto, Korean by 박우석, Portuguese (Brazil) by Victor Figueiredo (brlingo.com) and Portuguese (Portugal) by Ana Vale Pereira and updated by keytranslations (ICanLocalize)
  • To provide a cleaner and nicer interface, Yoink now shows some interface elements only when they're needed (when the mouse is near)
  • Improved support for mails from Mail.app an email can now be dragged from Mail.app to Yoink and then to Calendar.app to create events from it, with a reference to the email
  • Improved support for Photos.app
  • Reduced CPU cycles and power usage when waiting for "promised files"
  • In order to use less power and CPU cycles further, Yoink now does not try to generate QuickLook Preview icons for files like apps, folders and volumes those are just icons anyway
  • Improved handling of webloc files and different url schemes (like afp or ftp)
  • When several files are picked in Finder to be dragged to Yoink, Yoink now remembers the order of the files
  • Added a new Quick Tour and About window
  • Fixed a bug regarding displaying QuickLook Preview Icons during launch of the app
  • Fixed a bug concerning webarchives that couldn't be opened after being added to Yoink (for more details, please see this blog post: https://eternalstorms.wordpress.com/2015/07/10/security-scoped-nsurl-bookmarks-and-safaris-webarchive-files/)
  • Fixed a bug in the German localization where the "Clean All" button would be placed inappropriately when resizing Yoink's window
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue where Yoink's window would animate at launch from default size to the user's preferred size
  • Fixed a bug where a very, very short drag would show Yoink without hiding it afterwards
Yoink for Mac 3.0.1 破解版 – Mac 上实用的文件中转停靠栏-麦氪派
Yoink for Mac 3.0.1 破解版 – Mac 上实用的文件中转停靠栏-麦氪派
Yoink for Mac 3.0.1 破解版 – Mac 上实用的文件中转停靠栏-麦氪派
Yoink for Mac 3.0.1 破解版 – Mac 上实用的文件中转停靠栏-麦氪派
Yoink for Mac 3.0.1 破解版 – Mac 上实用的文件中转停靠栏-麦氪派

Yoink for Mac 3.0.1 下载

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