World Clock Deluxe 4.16 Mac 破解版 – 世界时钟豪华版


2018-11-16 1,819 百度已收录

World Clock Deluxe是一款Mac OS平台的世界时钟软件,非常适合有家人或朋友住在其他国家或者经常出国旅游的用户,让你时刻掌握不同时区的时间,和朋友家人更好的沟通!

[World Clock Deluxe 在官网售价19 US$]

World Clock Deluxe 4.16 Mac 破解版 介绍


  1. 显示在水平或垂直的调色板,在菜单栏和Dock中的多个数字或模拟时钟;
  2. 显示时间超过1500个城市和200个时区和世界时间(通用协调时间,上网时间)
  3. 显示秒,星期,日期,更改日期,时区和本地时间或UTC的偏移量;
  4. 显示夏令时间过渡;
  5. 自定义日期和时间格式,时钟分配标签和颜色;
  6. 保持按字母顺序排列,通过一段时间的时钟,纬度,经度偏移和标签;
  7. 编辑城市,时区和新的城市,时区;
  8. 计算不同的城市和时区的日期和时间之间的转换;
  9. 显示当前的天气在世界各地。

What's New

Version 4.16:

  • On macOS 10.14 Mojave, support for Dark Mode has been introduced
  • Support for Retina displays has been introduced
  • Some other minor interface improvements and revisions have been introduced
  • On macOS 10.12 or later, a bug that caused World Clock Deluxe to stop responding when its status item was dragged out of the menu bar, was then added again, and all clocks were hidden has been fixed
  • The offset from UTC of Volgograd, Russia has been updated. The Volgograd Oblast moved from UTC+3 to UTC+4 at 2:00 AM on October 28, 2018
  • The offset from UTC and daylight-saving time information of Morocco and Western Sahara have been updated. Both countries canceled DST and moved from Western European Time (UTC) to Central European Time (UTC+1) at 3:00 AM on October 28, 2018
  • The offset from UTC of the Antarctic stations Casey and Concordia has been updated. Both stations moved from UTC+8 to UTC+11
  • Daylight-saving time information for Chile and Fiji has been updated. From 2019, Chile (excluding the Region of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica that have DST all year round) will observe daylight-saving time from midnight on the first Saturday in September to midnight on the first Saturday in April. Next year, Fiji will end daylight-saving time on January 13, 2019
  • Minimum required system version is now macOS 10.11
World Clock Deluxe 4.16 Mac 破解版 – 世界时钟豪华版-麦氪派

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