Word Air for Mac 1.6.2 破解版 – Microsoft Word 格式编辑浏览软件


2016-08-31 4,688 百度已收录

Word Air是一款漂亮简单易用的Microsoft Word格式编辑浏览软件,在不安装Microsoft Word的前提下,可以打开并且编辑相关文档,小巧实用。

[Word Air 在 官网上售价9.9美元,约合人民币 60元]

Word Air for Mac 1.6.2 介绍

Word Air is a beautiful, easy-to-use text editor that is designed to make writing convenient, efficient and comfortable. Word Air is ease, fast and uncluttered. It starts up quickly, has a live word count, easy on the eyes and you can export all the common formats: .pdf, .rtf, .doc, .txt and more .


  • Focus Mode(Full Screen) can give you the pure pleasure of writing.
  • Automatically format bulleted or numbered lists
  • date-stamped backups
  • selection of text by text style, paragraph style, color, etc.
  • Insert tables. (Purchased Only)
  • export Microsoft Word documents. (Purchased Only)
  • Export files to PDF, RTF/DOC with pictures. (Purchased Only)
  • Support for all image formats (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png and more). (Purchased Only)
Word Air for Mac 1.6.2 破解版 – Microsoft Word 格式编辑浏览软件-麦氪派
Word Air for Mac 1.6.2 破解版 – Microsoft Word 格式编辑浏览软件-麦氪派

Word Air for Mac 1.6.2 下载

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