Wondershare Data Recovery for Mac 6.2.3 序号版 – 系统数据恢复工具


2018-05-06 2,150 百度已收录

Wondershare数据恢复是一个全面的数据恢复套件来恢复Mac数据丢失因意外删除,格式化,病毒感染,操作不当,意外停电,和其他不明原因。 它可以恢复Mac数据丢失,删除,逻辑损坏和格式化的Mac硬盘驱动器的iPod,SD卡,USB驱动器,数码相机,手机,MP3,MP4播放器。这种非破坏性的Mac文件恢复软件兼容与HFS + FAT16/32,NTFS文件系统卷,确保安全的Mac文件恢复,而无需修改原始数据保存在您的Mac机或任何其他存储介质。多功能预览,让您提前享受的Mac数据恢复

[Wondershare Data Recovery 在官网上售价89.95美元,约合人民币540元]

Wondershare Data Recovery for Mac 6.2.3 介绍

Wondershare Data Recovery是一个综合数据恢复套件,用于恢复由于意外删除、格式化、病毒感染、操作不当、意外电源故障等未知原因而丢失的MAC数据。


Key Features
  • Safety First:
    • Read-only and risk-free Mac data recovery program. No any writing operation to your original data.
  • Versatile Preview Ability:
    • For images, real-time and direct scan results is displayed during the scan process to let users stop scanning once the target images are found.
    • For other Mac files such as videos, audio files, archives and documents, they are displayed as a text in a Hex mode for preview to let users enjoy file recovery on Mac in advance.
  • Precise File Recovery for Mac:
    • Before data recovery on Mac, you can choose the target file types to scan, which saves you much time especially when there are tons of files on your Mac machine.
    • Restore deleted files for Mac with original file names, shooting date, and storage paths.
    • Support file names search for scanning results to provide you precise Mac file recovery.
  • Easy-to-use and Clean Interface:
    • Complete wizard and easy-to-use interface let you perform Mac data recovery in a breeze.
Wondershare Data Recovery for Mac 6.2.3 序号版 – 系统数据恢复工具-麦氪派

Wondershare Data Recovery for Mac 6.2.3 下载

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