Wirecast Pro 11.0.0 Mac 破解版 – 专业摄像直播视频工具


2018-11-05 2,476 百度已收录

Wirecast提供价格实惠的软件,替代昂贵的硬件解决方案,用于在互联网上组织视频广播。 Wirecast Pro,集成支持Blackmagic捕获卡。此外,该软件支持高质量视频格式主要概念H.264和On2 VP6闪存。为了制作和播放节目,你不再需要是电视运营商,并有适当的预算。

[Wirecast Pro 在官网售价好贵,O(∩_∩)O]

Wirecast Pro 11.0.0 Mac 破解版 介绍

Wirecast Pro可以让你从生活录像捕捉输入设备的数量不受限制,iOS相机(即将推出),电脑桌面、网页,和更多。然后在现场直播、转场、标题、下三分之一、更高层次上为你的广播增加波兰语和专业性。最后,使用内置的多格式编码能力和易流集成流媒体服务和CDN。

What's New in Wirecast

Version 11.0:

New Features
  • Re-engineered WebStream plug-in with much broader format, codec and network transport support. This is hosted in a new out of process architecture that protects Wirecast from any failure in the plug-in. This enables HLS and MPEG-DASH ingest
  • Configurable latency of all WebStream network devices
  • Improved discovery of ONVIF devices from the same vendor
  • Stinger Transition support. Through the new stinger transition configuration panel, you can setup movies to use as custom transitions. Support for Apple Animation, ProRes and CineForm alpha channeled QuickTime content
  • Added panel for configuring the build in & out animations used when the ‘Smooth transition is selected
  • The virtual camera driver for macOS has been rewritten for faster performance and better compatibility with host applications, including sandboxed apps
  • Added option to horizontally flip the video going to the virtual camera
  • Wondered what the Touchbar was for? Wonder no longer: Wirecast adds a quick shot switcher to the Touchbar
  • On-going performance work: Wirecast 11 is speedier than ever, with quicker startup times, significantly faster drop shadow on macOS, and lower CPU on rendering. We’ll continue to build on this work with every release
  • PTZ support for VISCA over UDP for PTZ Optics & Lumens cameras. Other brands utilizing VISCA UDP may work but are not officially supported
  • New ‘Add Reference
  • workflow when adding a new shot or layer to control how sources are created
  • Support for Facebook Live Donations
  • Unlimited pagination for Facebook Live Groups and Pages
  • Enabled users with Publish permissions to post to Facebook Groups
  • Switched to the v5 API when publishing to Twitch
  • Added ‘Clear Menu
  • in the Recent Documents menu
  • Improved UI layout of Welcome window
  • Enabled copying the license number from Preferences to the clipboard
  • Changed the scale of the data-rate statistics to Mb/s if the data-rate goes over 10,000 Kb/s
  • Added support for TLS v1.2 for RTMPS on Windows
  • Indicate an expired support subscription in the Preferences
  • Lowered Telestream Cloud supported bitrates to 1.25 Mbps
  • Restrict custom canvas size to 1/20 ratio in either dimension
  • Change polling rate of Widget sources with text files to 1/10 of a second
  • Change the name of Web Display source to Web Page
  • Enable HTTPS login for Facebook (this affects any released version of Wirecast with the Facebook Destination)
  • Facebook Live
  • Portrait (9:16 Aspect Ratio) Encoding Setting
  • macOS only: Virtual Camera does not work in sandbox apps
  • macOS only: Virtual Camera does not work in Skype for Business
  • Go button red dot is off-center
  • Adding a Screen Capture from the Add Source UI duplicates the source and uses excessive resources
  • Remove Ustream destination from Telestream Cloud supported destinations
  • Unable to use PTZ presets with Matrox capture cards
  • macOS only: Adding a matte causes the Live output to turn black
  • Newtek NDI Spark Tally lights always indicate a preview state
  • Crash when opening certain Wirecast documents with hotkeys
  • Windows only: Unable to stream using Windows Media Streaming
  • macOS only: Crash when editing an Audio Output device
  • macOS only: Small memory leak when opening windows
  • macOS only: Recording a Prores MOV file always drops frames at the start
  • macOS only: Multi-Track Input Mapper Track Labels are not aligned
  • Facebook Live: previously created Groups are no longer retrieved
  • Periscope stream resets after 2 hours
  • macOS Mojave: Search Text in Add Shot UI is white on white
  • XKeys 128 Preview and Live lights do not remain lit for Clear Layers
  • Unable to change Shot Source Properties without deselecting the shot
  • 18 channel audio input devices were having their audio channels jump around
  • Change wording of "Charity’s Facebook ID
  • to "Facebook Charity ID
  • Audio Properties Layout does not display all elements in certain languages
  • Recording an ISO source with mono audio can create invalid recordings
  • Virtual Camera does not work with Polycom RealPresence Desktop on macOS
  • ISO Recordings fail to import into Adobe Premiere
  • Audio Mixer
  • Moving the audio levels will cause Wirecast to periodically become unresponsive with a Webstream source in the document on Windows
  • Closing a document with Multi-Viewer open can hang Wirecast on macOS
  • FX Names do not have translations
  • Webstream connection failure alert is not translated
  • YouTube destination should auto-select new created events
  • Crash when toggling NDI output quickly
  • Mapping a Keyboard Shortcut to "0
  • does not work
  • PTZ Controller Map Dot is not positioned correctly using HiDPI monitors on Windows
  • Audio Mixer remains open after closing a Wirecast document on macOS
  • NDI output does not work if started after an NDI source is added to the document on macOS
  • Only allow mono-spaced fonts for Clock Widget
  • Increase size of plus button on HiDPI displays on Windows
  • Long transition names break the playlist transition selector’s alignment on Windows
  • Unsaved changes to shot names should be saved when changing the focus from the shot name field
  • Multi-Viewer tally state is broken
  • Setting the canvas size to 9:16 aspect ratio hides the add shot button on Windows
  • Add a dot to document close window when there are pending changes on macOS
  • Wirecast crashes when adding a Web Display shot with a specific URL on macOS
  • User is not prompted to save document when closing a document after editing Source Properties
  • Highlighting the Welcome Screen document selection text obscures the selected the selected text
  • URI field is blank when adding an ONVIF Webstream source
  • Double clicking a source in the Add Source dialog copies the source name to the clipboard on Windows
Wirecast Pro 11.0.0 Mac 破解版 – 专业摄像直播视频工具-麦氪派

Wirecast Pro 11.0.0 Mac 破解版 下载

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