Window Focus for Mac 1.0.1 破解版 – 活跃窗口高亮软件


2016-08-26 5,191 百度已收录

Window Focus 是一个超级有用和美丽的应用程序,这将帮助你专注于什么是重要的。应用程序标识当前操作画面和背景变暗的其余部分。如果你想专注于一个特定的任务,窗口的焦点是绝对必要的应用程序。突出显示与您正在使用的窗口和所有其他背景昏暗的窗口,最大限度地减少干扰,而且有助于提高生产效率。

[Window Focus 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币25元]

Window Focus for Mac 1.0.1 介绍

Window Focus is a super useful and beautiful app that helps you focus on what’s important. The app highlights the current working window and dims all the others in the background.

If you want to concentrate on a task at hand on your Mac, Window Focus is an absolutely essential app. By highlighting the window you are currently working on and have open, all other background windows are dimmed, which minimizes the distraction they cause and helps boost your productivity.


  • Highlight the current app window that you have open
  • Dim all apps and windows in the background
  • Adjust the overlay tint colour to any colour of your choice
  • Control overlay opacity level using an adjuster scale
  • Ability to highlight either the single window within an app that you have open, or all windows within that app and dimming every other app’s windows that are open in the background


Be able to improve your focus on the window that you have open

Heightened productivity

Reduced distraction from flashing images, chats, colours, multiple open windows etc in the background

Window Focus for Mac 1.0.1 破解版 – 活跃窗口高亮软件-麦氪派
Window Focus for Mac 1.0.1 破解版 – 活跃窗口高亮软件-麦氪派
Window Focus for Mac 1.0.1 破解版 – 活跃窗口高亮软件-麦氪派
Window Focus for Mac 1.0.1 破解版 – 活跃窗口高亮软件-麦氪派

Window Focus for Mac 1.0.1 下载

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