Warp 是一款Mac上优秀的数据分析工具,可以从文件或数据库中导入数据进行各种分析,如CSV、MySQL、PostgreSQL等,与大多数的数据分析应用程序不一样,在Warp中,你不必输入任何编程代码,很不错!
[Warp 在 Mac App Store上售价88元]
Warp for Mac 3.9 介绍
Warp allows you to convert and analyze (very) large databases with ease at the speed of light. In Warp, you work on a small subset of the data, after which Warp repeats your actions on the entire dataset. Unlike most data-analysis apps, you do not have to type any codes in Warp.
- Read data from files (e.g., CSVs), databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite) or even big data warehouses (RethinkDB and Facebook Presto)
- Effortlessly juggle around data between files and databases by simply dragging-and-dropping! Load CSV files into MySQL or transfer a PostgreSQL table to a RethinkDB table by just dragging one to the other.
- Efficiently analyze large datasets: Warp works closely together with databases to deliver the best performance.
- Work faster by creating your analysis on a small subset of the data, then run it on all data with only a single click
- Use the same formulas and techniques (such as pivot tables) you already know from Microsoft Excel
- Easily re-run an analysis on different data, possibly from different sources
- Easy-to-use, drag and drop interface, but the pro features are never more than a click away
Version 3.9:
- You can now rank rows as well as calculate running aggregates (e.g., running average)
- You can set a minimum cell size for aggregations (e.g., in pivot table) which helps preserve statistical anonymity
- Warp can now read JSON files
- The formula syntax for referencing columns has been simplified; simply use the column name if it contains only alphanumeric characters and starts with an alphabetic character; otherwise just use "[colum_name]" instead of "[@column_name]"
- Likewise, the syntax for referencing foreign columns has been simplified to "#column" and "#[column_name]"
- Presto performance has been greatly improved, as Warp now pushes down operations to Presto when multiple tables from the same server are involved
- Warp now supports blob values
- A native data type for lists has been introduced
- Empty (NULL) values are now sorted consistently when sorting
Warp for Mac 3.9 下载
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