VirtualHostX for Mac 7.1.7 破解版 – 虚拟主机开发环境创建工具


2016-07-05 4,759 百度已收录

VirtualHostX 是一款Mac上能够快速的将你的Mac变为一台Web服务器,支持建立多个网站的虚拟主机,对于网页开发人员非常的有用,无需了解更多的细节,只需要简单的配置就可以将本地的某个目录映射到虚拟主机URL路径上,方便开发和调试,支持MAMP, XAMPP和Apache,非常不错!

[VirtualHostX 在官网上售价99美元,约合人民币600元]

VirtualHostX for Mac 7.1.7 介绍

VirtualHostX is the easiest way to host and share multiple websites on your Mac. It's the perfect solution for web designers working on more than one project at a time. With VirtualHostX you can easily create and manage unlimited Apache websites with just a few clicks.

New in Version 7.0
  • Built on-top of the power of Vagrant and VirtualBox
  • Comes with its own self-contained Apache web server
  • No more administrator password prompts
  • Apple's software updates cannot break your settings
  • Automatically refresh your web browser when you make changes to your website
  • Every website is available over HTTP and secure HTTPS
VirtualHostX for Mac 7.1.7 破解版 – 虚拟主机开发环境创建工具-麦氪派

VirtualHostX for Mac 7.1.7 下载

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