VirtualDJ 8 for Mac 8.1.2844 破解版 – 优秀的DJ制作播放工具


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应网友要求更新。 VirtualDJ 8 是一款Mac上优秀的DJ制作播放工具,集音频和视频为一体,其功能强大,直观的界面完全能满足各种场合的现场表演,很不错!

VirtualDJ 8 for Mac 8.1.2844 介绍

With more than 150 million users, VirtualDJ is the most widely used professional DJ software on the planet.

It has embodied the revolution of digital DJing since 1996, and has helped propel today's superstar DJs from their very first bedroom mixes to packed stadiums.

With the most comprehensive feature list of all DJ software, VirtualDJ always incorporates the forefront of technology to change and revolutionize the way DJs mix.

Whether you're an aspiring DJ or a veteran, VirtualDJ is all you need to get the party started.

  • 2 Decks, 4 Decks, 6 Decks, or free decks (up to 99) mixing
  • Mix music, karaoke or video
  • Can read and play more than 227 file formats
  • Native plug-and-play compatibility with more than 290 DJ controllers
  • Compatible with 20 different types of timecode vinyls
  • Unlimited number of CUE points and saved Loops per songs
  • Pitch control up to +/-200% with Master Tempo
  • Automatic BPM and Key detection
  • Visual Mixing with superposed beat graphs
  • Seamless loops, Rolling loops, Flip mode
  • Hundreds of Audio and/or Video effects and plugins
  • Hundreds of different interfaces ("skins") to choose from
  • Fully customizable with VDJScript language
  • Full Automix mode with fully customizable mixing points
  • Support for Karaoke mode with singer list, background music, and more
  • Smart Sampler with support for audio and/or video samples, synchronization, instrument banks, etc
  • Reharse and prepare your mix live ahead of time with Sandbox mode
  • Record or create podcast episodes automatically
  • Broadcast to radio servers, or host a radio server directly inside VirtualDJ
  • Fully integrated DJ-oriented browser with super fast search, virtual folder, smart lists, etc
  • Live recommendations on what to play next with LiveFeedback, CloudLists, etc
  • And many many more features...
VirtualDJ 8 for Mac 8.1.2844 破解版 – 优秀的DJ制作播放工具-麦氪派
VirtualDJ 8 for Mac 8.1.2844 破解版 – 优秀的DJ制作播放工具-麦氪派
VirtualDJ 8 for Mac 8.1.2844 破解版 – 优秀的DJ制作播放工具-麦氪派

VirtualDJ 8 for Mac 8.1.2844 下载

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