Vipor Plus for Mac 2.0.1 激活版 – 一体化联系人和日历集成工具


2016-08-13 3,430 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。VIPOR Plus是最好的,所有功能于一身的联系人日历应用程序,它可以帮助你留在列表,联系人通讯录之上,并提供了重要的细节的即时访问。

[VIPOR Plus 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币328元]

Vipor Plus for Mac 2.0.1 介绍

Organize your personal and professional life the easy way!

Vipor Plus is the best, all-in-one calendar and contacts app that helps you stay on top of schedules, in touch with contacts, and provides instant access to important details.

Vipor Plus is designed for entrepreneurs, business owners and anyone whose success depends on long-lasting client relationships. Manage your calendars, contacts, conversations, and tasks—all in one simple CRM app!

**Stay on Top of Schedules**

  • Schedule activities linked to individuals and/or Orbits of contacts.
  • Assign due dates to tasks so nothing falls through the cracks.
  • View each day’s schedule at-a-glance on the integrated dashboard that you can filter to show calls, meetings or tasks.

**Stay in Touch with Contacts**

  • Stores a chronological list of all upcoming activities related to each client so you’ll never miss a follow-up task or upcoming meeting.
  • Store multiple adresses, multiple email addresses, multiple phone numbers, URLs and more.
  • Instantly find anyone or any details with a few clicks or taps.

**Share What You Want with Anyone You Choose**

  • New! Share Orbits with others to collaborate on activities related to those contacts.
  • New! View group calendars associated with specific Orbits to see what tasks are linked to which contacts.
  • New! See what’s in progress and what’s coming up to keep track of who’s doing what and when with shared contacts.

And Vipor Plus syncs between Mac, iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch versions!

Please note:

  • We cannot access incoming emails or email content.
Vipor Plus for Mac 2.0.1 激活版 – 一体化联系人和日历集成工具-麦氪派
Vipor Plus for Mac 2.0.1 激活版 – 一体化联系人和日历集成工具-麦氪派
Vipor Plus for Mac 2.0.1 激活版 – 一体化联系人和日历集成工具-麦氪派
Vipor Plus for Mac 2.0.1 激活版 – 一体化联系人和日历集成工具-麦氪派
Vipor Plus for Mac 2.0.1 激活版 – 一体化联系人和日历集成工具-麦氪派

Vipor Plus for Mac 2.0.1 下载

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