Uninstaller sensei for Mac 1.2.3 激活版 – 小巧程序卸载应用


2017-11-08 1,982 百度已收录

Uninstaller sensei 是一款专为Mac用户设计的程序卸载应用,它操作简单,功能好用,通过拖放操作即可删除应用程序以及删除已安装的应用。

[Uninstaller sensei 在Mac App Store上售价人民币50元]

Uninstaller sensei for Mac 1.2.3 介绍

Uninstaller sensei is an app for complete removal of applications and files that are associated with them. You can remove installed apps or uninstall just dragging it or enable Spider and usually move app to trash, and Spider take cares about everything. Now don’t need to remove app use Uninstaller sensei select app from apps list or moving app into circle - now need just in Preferences window enable Spider. Now remove app very easy as usual move app to trash and that’s all. Spider remove all files automatically in background and notify when app removed or you can setup notifications behavior disable, removing notifications. You can customize the list of desired apps. Include in the apps list default apps, utilities or just installed utilities add to list. Also, you can completely remove Safari extensions, plugins and installed preferences panes.

  • Remove installed apps
  • Remove app with drag-and-drop
  • Remove apps with Spider just move app to trash
  • Remove Safari extensions
  • Remove plugins
  • Remove PrefPanes
Uninstaller sensei for Mac 1.2.3 激活版 – 小巧程序卸载应用-麦氪派
Uninstaller sensei for Mac 1.2.3 激活版 – 小巧程序卸载应用-麦氪派
Uninstaller sensei for Mac 1.2.3 激活版 – 小巧程序卸载应用-麦氪派
Uninstaller sensei for Mac 1.2.3 激活版 – 小巧程序卸载应用-麦氪派
Uninstaller sensei for Mac 1.2.3 激活版 – 小巧程序卸载应用-麦氪派

Uninstaller sensei for Mac 1.2.3 下载

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