Tyranny for Mac 1.0.0 激活版 – 黑曜石奇幻RPG新作


2016-11-16 10,115 百度已收录

应会员要求更新。RPG新作《暴君》的背景设定在一个刚刚熬过正邪大战的奇幻世界中,正如标题所暗示的,邪恶的一方取得胜利,你所扮演的主角实际上是为霸王凯洛斯(Kyros the Overlord)卖命的,换句话说,在游戏中,你不是个好人。你将会是凯洛斯法律的审判者和执行者,你的一句话将主宰成千上万生命的命运。

[Tyranny 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币283元]

Tyranny for Mac 1.0.0 介绍

From the makers of Pillars of Eternity, the 2015 Mac App Store Game of the Year, comes Tyranny!

In Tyranny, the grand war between good and evil is over – and the forces of evil, led by Kyros the Overlord, have won. The Overlord’s merciless armies dominate the face of the world, and its denizens must find their new roles within the war-torn realm. Players interact with the populace to inspire loyalty, disgust, or fear as they roam the world as an officer in Kyros’ forces, empowered to act as both judge and executioner.


  • A branching narrative with a unique story in an original setting: The Battle between good and evil has already taken place, and evil stands victorious
  • Choices matter – a different player experience every time you play it: As an Officer in the Overlord’s army you wield a vast amount of power in the occupied lands of the Tiers. Will you use that power to inspire stability and loyalty, or will you be a feared oppressor?
  • Challenging, classic RPG combat: Characteristical RPG combat with modern mechanics and presentation
  • A rich original setting: A completely new and original fantasy world with rich lore and many paths to follow

System Requirements:

  • OS: OSX 10.10 or later
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 @ 2.9 GHz or better
  • Memory: 6 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Radeon HD 6950m with 1GB VRAM or better
  • Storage: 15 GB available space
Tyranny for Mac 1.0.0 激活版 – 黑曜石奇幻RPG新作-麦氪派
Tyranny for Mac 1.0.0 激活版 – 黑曜石奇幻RPG新作-麦氪派
Tyranny for Mac 1.0.0 激活版 – 黑曜石奇幻RPG新作-麦氪派
Tyranny for Mac 1.0.0 激活版 – 黑曜石奇幻RPG新作-麦氪派
Tyranny for Mac 1.0.0 激活版 – 黑曜石奇幻RPG新作-麦氪派

Tyranny for Mac 1.0.0 下载

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