Twixl Publisher for Mac 5.1 破解版 – Adobe InDesign 创建发布插件


2016-10-21 3,207 百度已收录

Twixl Publisher让您轻松地创建基于Adobe InDesign内容的iOS或Android应用程序(包括平板电脑和手机)。你可以在苹果的App Store,谷歌游戏发布,或Kindle Fire AppStore。你也可以导出一个“网页阅读器”版本的内容,用于显示出版物是一个标准的台式机或笔记本电脑浏览器。自由twixl查看器应用程序的iOS和Android允许你快速发送预览自己的设备。

[Twixl Publisher 在官网上售价850美元,约合人民币5400元]

Twixl Publisher for Mac 5.1 介绍

Twixl Publisher lets you easily create iOS and/or Android apps (for both tablets and phones), based on Adobe InDesign content. You can publish in Apple's App Store, Google Play, or the Kindle Fire Appstore. You can also export a "Web Reader" version of your content for displaying a publication is a standard desktop or notebook browser. The free Twixl Viewer app for iOS and Android allows you to quickly send a preview to your own device.

In combination with the Twixl Distribution Platform, that allows you to manage kiosk apps, with support for In-app purchases, subscriptions, entitlements, Newsstand, push notifications, we offer a very competitively priced and compelling mobile publishing alternative.

The free trial allows you to create test builds. Different types of yearly subscriptions are available, depending on your requirements.

Twixl Publisher for Mac 5.1 破解版 – Adobe InDesign 创建发布插件-麦氪派
Twixl Publisher for Mac 5.1 破解版 – Adobe InDesign 创建发布插件-麦氪派


Twixl Publisher for Mac 5.1 下载

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