Tune Sweeper for Mac 4.14 激活版 – 音乐管理工具


2017-07-10 2,202 百度已收录

这是一款Mac平台的iTunes音乐管理工具,在iTunes资料库中迅速调整扫描查找和删除重复的曲目,Tune Sweeper将显示您的iTunes资料库中重复的组,快速搜索特定曲目重复列表。

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Tune Sweeper for Mac 4.14 介绍

More than just a duplicates finder, Tune Sweeper is your all-in-one iTunes cleaning App. Automatically find and remove duplicates, discover and add tracks on your Mac not listed in iTunes and remove tracks listed on iTunes not on your Mac! Tune Sweeper also corrects missing artwork and other track details.
All performed quickly and easily with a few mouse clicks using Tune Sweeper!

- Duplicate Removal -

Tune Sweeper shows the duplicate tracks found in your iTunes library in groups and suggests which tracks to keep based on your preference. i.e. Highest Quality, Latest Played, Latest added etc. You can override this automatic selection on a group by group basis.
Also, you can listen to a track if your unsure if this is the correct track to remove.

At a click of a button, Tune Sweeper removes the selected duplicates from iTunes, saving you disk space and cleaning up your music collection. Optionally, Tune Sweeper will back up the tracks removed for safe keeping.

- Missing Artwork -

Tune Sweeper scans your iTunes library for tracks with missing artwork and automatically downloads matching artwork to your iTunes library.

- Tracks Not In iTunes -

Tune Sweeper scans your hard drive for music not currently listed in your iTunes library. With a click of a button you can add this additional music to your iTunes library.

- Tracks Missing -

Tune Sweeper also shows all the tracks listed in iTunes that are missing from your hard drive. Tune Sweeper can quickly remove these broken links in your iTunes library with one mouse click.

- Fix Track Details -

Use Tune Sweeper to identify tracks with missing details and then quickly fill in the blanks with Tune Sweeper. Tune Sweeper uses advanced digital fingerprinting technology to identify your music and download the correct track information to iTunes automatically!

- Apple Music -

Apple Music is a great way of discovering new music. Tune Sweeper lists the Apple Music tracks you have added to your Music library - which will vanish if you cancel your Apple Music subscription. Optionally, purchase these tracks to keep them in your library.

- Statistics -

For a bit of fun, Tune Sweeper will summarize your most listened to Artists and Genres in iTunes. You may be surprised what Tune Sweeper can tell you about your listening habits!

Tune Sweeper for Mac 4.14 激活版 – 音乐管理工具-麦氪派
Tune Sweeper for Mac 4.14 激活版 – 音乐管理工具-麦氪派
Tune Sweeper for Mac 4.14 激活版 – 音乐管理工具-麦氪派
Tune Sweeper for Mac 4.14 激活版 – 音乐管理工具-麦氪派

Tune Sweeper for Mac 4.14 下载

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