Triumph for Mac 2.5.11 破解版 – 音频编辑软件


2017-08-22 2,243 百度已收录

Triumph 是一款音频编辑软件。它有自己独一无二的专利方法来编辑音频,此种技术叫做Layers。Layers是一个真正的创新的方法来保存原有声音来创建和组合声音。

[Triumph 在Mac App Store上售价人民币518元]

Triumph for Mac 2.5.11 介绍

Triumph is the most powerful, innovative and versatile mutli-channel audio designer.

As the sequel to the popular Wave Editor audio editing application, Triumph has been completely redesigned and takes full advantage of all of the latest technologies OS X has to offer.


Version 2.5.11:

Note: Now requires OS X 10.10 or later.

Note: Now requires a 64-bit Intel processor.

  • Resolves an issue where the app might crash when closing a window
  • Resolves an issue where the app would crash when rendering an MP3 with VBR enabled
Triumph for Mac 2.5.11 破解版 – 音频编辑软件-麦氪派
Triumph for Mac 2.5.11 破解版 – 音频编辑软件-麦氪派
Triumph for Mac 2.5.11 破解版 – 音频编辑软件-麦氪派
Triumph for Mac 2.5.11 破解版 – 音频编辑软件-麦氪派

Triumph for Mac 2.5.11 下载

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