Tower Mac 破解版 Mac上优秀的Git客户端

开发辅助 版本号:3.5.1

2019-10-07 6,515 百度已收录

Tower Git 是一款Mac上Git客户端Git是目前最流行的版本管理工具之一,Tower Git具有强大的Git资源库管理、版本控制、分支管理等等,已被很多知名公司使用,并且能够和Xcode、GitHub、Beanstalk、BBEdit等软件无缝结合使用,是 Mac 上最优秀的Git客户端之一。

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Tower 3.5.1 Mac 破解版 介绍

Git(gnu interactive tools)是Linux 内核开发的版本控制工具,采用了分布式版本库的方式,不必服务器端软件支持,使源代码的发布和交流极其方便。


Git 最为出色的是它的合并跟踪能力,简易,高效,功能强大。但是同时控制全部Git 可能会很困难,这时可以试一下Tower,它能助你一臂之力。

  • git svn支持
  • 文件历史
  • Git的流量支持
  • 模块支持
  • Git LFS支持
  • 责任观
  • 单行分段(每行提交)
  • 樱桃采摘
  • 丢弃块/行
  • 直接GitHub,bitbucket,gitlab,gitswarm,魔豆,Visual Studio Team Services,Team Foundation Server和Rhodecode积分
  • 对于bitbucket团队客户支持
  • 支持全屏和视网膜显示
  • 许多强大的拖放功能,包括合并、垫底,推/拉/远程,将藏匿,创建新的分支,等等。

What's New in Tower

Version 3.5.1:

  • Branches: We improved the workflow for deleting branches with unmerged changes without the "Force deletion" option being selected. Tower now asks for confirmation to delete any branches with unmerged changes and then deletes them in one go.
  • Window Restoration: Window restoration now works smoothly even when an update requires the migration of application data. The internal repository identifiers remain identical after migration and therefore no longer affect window restoration.
  • Repository Sidebar: We improved the user experience for selecting items in the sidebar and the change of first responder.
  • Stashes: Selecting and deleting one or more stashes now resets the selection to the first stash.
  • Push HEAD: The "Push HEAD" dialogue now includes the current HEAD branch in the description.
  • AppleScript: We replaced an AppleScript with a native API implementation, stopping an access control dialogue to appear.
  • Diff and Merge Tools: Tower now reloads the diff and merge tools each time the preferences pane is opened.
  • Action Dialogues: Using various actions such as "Push to…", "Merge…", "Rebase…" etc. now correctly preselects the action dialogues independent of the first responder status.
  • Working Copy: We significantly improved the loading time of the "Open With" submenu entries in the working tree entry context menu.
  • Performance: We optimized the background execution of Git processes to improve repository loading times.
  • Working Copy: During a merge, the action buttons to continue or abort a merge are now properly re-enabled in all cases.
  • Working Copy: A directory entry replaced with a file entry of the same name, or vice versa, could cause a crash in tree view mode.
  • Working Copy: When switching branches using auto-stashing, the working copy sometimes did not correctly refresh its file list.
  • Repository Sidebar: Toggling ref grouping for the repository sidebar no longer leads to erroneous branch information.
  • Pull Requests: In some cases, the "Merge" button in the pull request detail view was incorrectly disabled.
  • Window Restoration: The current repository view is now stored for window restoration in all cases.
  • git-flow: Tower now validates Ref names entered by the user.
  • Navigation Bar: After switching or renaming branches, the path component is now immediately updated.
  • Stashes: Saving stashes now works again for older Git versions (<2.13.2).
  • User Preferences: We’ve made sure that opening the integration preferences pane no longer causes high CPU usage.

Version 3.4.2:

  • App Notarization: Tower builds are now signed using the "Apple notary service", providing an additional layer of security.
  • Better License Information: Opening the "License..." dialog from the main menu now provides more information about your license.
  • Default Avatar for User Profile: In our new "User Profiles", we now also show a "default" avatar image if none is connected with the entered email address.
  • Group Repositories in Services View: For users with multiple GitLab accounts, it could happen that a repository was listed under the wrong account / group.
  • Commit Message Editing: When editing a commit message and starting it with a "#" character, Tower wasn't always able to correctly save the message.
  • Reflog Crash: On older macOS versions, opening an item from the "Reflog" could result in a crash.

Version 3.4.1:

  • Check Out Remote Branch: You can now double-click a remote branch in the sidebar to perform a checkout.
  • Check Out Tags: Also, you can now double-click on a tag in the sidebar to check out a corresponding branch.
  • Gender Neutral Avatars: If no avatar image can be loaded, Tower now uses the user's initials instead of a placeholder image.
  • Refresh Expiring OAuth Tokens: On some code hosting platforms (e.g., OAuth tokens expire very quickly. Tower now refreshes expiring OAuth tokens periodically in the background for you. This makes Git remote operations over HTTPS work much more smoothly.
  • Azure DevOps Rebranding: Microsoft's VSTS and VSTFS products were rebranded to "Azure DevOps", which is now reflected in Tower, too.
  • Bitbucket API: The service API calls for are now updated to work with their upcoming API changes.
  • Submodule Improvements: We improved and fine-tuned many details in Tower's Submodule handling (e.g. when changing shared Submodule URLs).
  • Commit Composing View: When the "Sign-Off" option was checked while composing a commit message, the view could become wider as desired.
  • Cherry-Pick Dialog: You can now combine the "--no-commit" option and the "--ff" option when performing a cherry-pick.
  • Git Submodule Status: In this update, we're working around several regressions in recent Git versions that incorrectly regard Submodules as "clean".
  • Toolbar Refresh: A couple of users reported that the toolbar wasn't always up to date (in terms of enabled / disabled buttons), which should now be improved.

Version 3.2.1:

  • Quick Actions: You can now use the "Quick Actions" dialog to merge and rebase remote branches.
  • An issue with invoking "Open in Terminal" scripts.
  • A crash when opening the Activity window.
  • Visual glitches in the "Merge" view.
  • An issue with refreshing images in the Image Diff view when changing files in some cases.
Tower Mac 破解版 Mac上优秀的Git客户端-麦氪派

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