Tower Git for Mac 2.6 破解版 – Mac上优秀的Git客户端


2017-02-07 3,872 百度已收录

Tower Git 是一款Mac上Git客户端Git是目前最流行的版本管理工具之一,Tower Git具有强大的Git资源库管理、版本控制、分支管理等等,已被很多知名公司使用,并且能够和Xcode、GitHub、Beanstalk、BBEdit等软件无缝结合使用,是 Mac 上最优秀的Git客户端之一。

[Tower Git 2 在官网上售价59美元,约合人民币500元]

Tower Git for Mac 2.6 介绍

Git(gnu interactive tools)是Linux 内核开发的版本控制工具,采用了分布式版本库的方式,不必服务器端软件支持,使源代码的发布和交流极其方便。


Git 最为出色的是它的合并跟踪能力,简易,高效,功能强大。但是同时控制全部Git 可能会很困难,这时可以试一下Tower,它能助你一臂之力。


Version 2.6:

  • Extended support for git-lfs: Working with git-lfs in Tower has already been possible since quite a while. Now, however, Tower also supports initial configuration and many advanced features and settings regarding the "Git Large File System".
  • Ignore and LFS menus: Right-clicking a file in the Working Copy offers "Ignore", "Exclude" and "LFS" submenus. You'll see new options and an overall cleaned-up structure in these menus.
  • Touch Bar support: The new MacBook Pro series features the "Touch Bar". Already with this update, Tower offers support for this new way of interaction. If you're lucky enough to have one of those fine devices, be sure to check out the Touch Bar in Tower.
  • Easier OAuth management: Many hosting services make authentication via OAuth really cumbersome. To make this easier, we now provide our own helper service that simplifies OAuth a lot!
  • Repository bookmark titles: In the OpenQuickly dialog and the Activity Window, Tower did not use a repository's "bookmark" name but only the bare repository folder name. Now, the UI always shows the dedicated bookmark title.
  • Authentication for Git connections: When selecting a "Service" account in Tower, the "Account" tab now shows authentication information for Git connections - not only for connection to a Service's API. This makes it easier to debug connection problems.
  • Update for Bitucket Server API framework: This update resolves some minor issues when connecting to certain versions of Bitbucket Server.
  • Auto-suggesting VSTS and Beanstalk accounts: When cloning from a Visual Studio or Beanstalk remote URL (while the user account has not been added to Tower, yet), the application now suggests to create a new VSTS or Beanstalk account in Tower.
  • Fix for File History crash: When using the autocomplete file search, Tower would crash in certain cases. This should now be fixed.
  • Creating Service accounts: This release contains various improvements that should make connecting your hosting accounts in the "Services" view smoother.
  • Rebase "Continue" button: When performing a Rebase operation, in some situations, the "Continue" button was not disabled quickly enough after being clicked. This means that users could trigger it twice if they were quick.
  • Selecting the HEAD branch via keyboard: You can have the HEAD branch selected simply by typing CMD+0 on your keyboard. Now, if the HEAD branch is part of a branch group in the sidebar (e.g. "feature/login"), the corresponding group is automatically expanded to better show the item.
  • Bitbucket account updates: When Tower updates account information of connected Bitbucket accounts, some users reported problems - that should be fixed with this release.
  • Navigation bar flexibility: Tower's navigation bar (just below the toolbar buttons) can now collapse and expand items dynamically. This is necessary for some interesting upcoming features on our roadmap...
  • Drag and drop of non-repository folders: You can now drag an uninitialized project folder from Finder into Tower's "Repositories" sidebar. Tower will then ask if you want to create a new local Git repository in that folder.
  • Faster Git-SVN branch updates: We've significantly improved the performance of SVN branch updates.
  • Repository description for GitLab accounts: When creating new repositories in a GitLab account, description texts were sometimes not persisted. This is now fixed.
Tower Git for Mac 2.6 破解版 – Mac上优秀的Git客户端-麦氪派
Tower Git for Mac 2.6 破解版 – Mac上优秀的Git客户端-麦氪派
Tower Git for Mac 2.6 破解版 – Mac上优秀的Git客户端-麦氪派
Tower Git for Mac 2.6 破解版 – Mac上优秀的Git客户端-麦氪派
Tower Git for Mac 2.6 破解版 – Mac上优秀的Git客户端-麦氪派

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