Topaz Texture Effects for Mac 2.1.0 序号版 – 质感效果插件


2016-11-08 4,738 百度已收录


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Topaz Texture Effects for Mac 2.1.0 介绍


纹理效果使您可以灵活地添加毫不费力地看看你喜欢的任何图像,柔和含蓄,以高度程式化的说:“丽歌Paschasl,摄影师和营销Topaz Labs.。

Who says it has to take time to create an awe-inspiring image? With the ability to quickly achieve a variety of textured, toned, and lighting effects, Topaz Texture Effects allows you to do in minutes what could take hours in other editing software.

Topaz Texture Effects a plugin or standalone software that helps you create a variety of textured, toned, and lighting effects in a fraction of the time it takes in other editing software. Texture Effects includes a library of over 130 expertly crafted effects, an extensive collection of texture assets and instant access to user shared effects within the new Topaz Community. That means no more scouring the web for a look that inspires you. With Texture Effects, inspiration is only a click away.

Texture Effects gives you the flexibility to effortlessly add the look you love to any image, from soft and subtle to heavily stylized,” said Nichole Paschasl, photographer and Director of Marketing for Topaz Labs.

Topaz Texture Effects for Mac 2.1.0 序号版 – 质感效果插件-麦氪派

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