Things for Mac 2.8.12 激活版 – Mac上强大的GTD效率工具


2017-05-08 3,025 百度已收录

Things 是一款与 OmniFocus 相媲美的 GTD 神器,因其设计简洁、大方闻名,具有任务管理日程管理等功能,用一种优雅而直观的方式来管理个人事务,通过简单使用的标签和智能过滤器允许快速和精确查找,简单方便,最新版本,完美兼容最新系统,同时具有 iOS 版本,支持iCloud同步!

[Things 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币328元]

Things for Mac 2.8.12 介绍

Things:Things 是Mac和iOS平台上一款非常优秀的任务管理软件,它严格按照GTD流程来规划人们的任务安排,设计方式也和很多其他 to-do 应用有很大差别。 目前Mac、iPad、iPhone同步上线,支持云端同步to-do列表,同时支持Macbook Pro的Retina显示屏。

Things is a task management solution that helps to organize your tasks in an elegant and intuitive way. Things combines powerful features with simplicity through the use of tags and its intelligent filter bar. A Leopard style source list allows for quick and easy focusing. Together with a beautiful user interface, Things aims at the seemingly impossible: making task management both easy and fun.

Our screencast is a great introduction. Learn from <a?href="http:"" things="" testimonials.html"="" target="_blank">our users why Things is different by visiting either on i use this or Newsvine.

  • The big picture. A Leopard-style source list lets you easily focus without ever switching view modes or wrapping your head around filter criteria.
  • A magical tag bar automatically appears when needed and adapts to the currently displayed list. It lets you drill down even the longest list of To-Dos. Hierarchical tags? We got you covered!
  • Teamwork. Things offers convenient collaboration features. Easily delegate tasks to members of your team. (This is work in progress.)
  • No columns! Whether it's multiple tags, dates or notes, To-Do items display their information on an as needed basis. No more space wasted by empty or irrelevant column cells!
  • Out of your head, out of your way. A quick entry HUD lets you enter any idea the moment it hits you. Never let the thought of an unfinished business distract you again.
  • Yours forever. We won't lock you in. Things will use an open XML file format to store your data. (Not yet activated.)
  • Things even supports GTD, so if you're familiar and comfortable with GTD concepts, you'll feel right at home.


Version 2.8.10:

  • Removed some code deprecated by Apple.
Things for Mac 2.8.12 激活版 – Mac上强大的GTD效率工具-麦氪派
Things for Mac 2.8.12 激活版 – Mac上强大的GTD效率工具-麦氪派
Things for Mac 2.8.12 激活版 – Mac上强大的GTD效率工具-麦氪派
Things for Mac 2.8.12 激活版 – Mac上强大的GTD效率工具-麦氪派
Things for Mac 2.8.12 激活版 – Mac上强大的GTD效率工具-麦氪派

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