Themes for Keynote for Mac 4.5 破解版 – Keynote模板和素材合集


2016-08-31 6,180 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。Themes for Keynote 是由知名的模板开发商Graphic Node出品的一套Keynote模板和素材合集,软件内置了大量的模板主题、素材、元素、布局、剪切画等,很不错!

[Themes for Keynote 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币128元]

Themes for Keynote for Mac 4.5 介绍

The Themes for Keynote set consists over 125 high-quality designs for Keynote presentations. These are more than just beautiful backgrounds – each one of them includes up to 25 different master slides, which lets you choose the best layout for your information.

The themes are available in two sizes: standard 4:3 and widescreen 16:9. Let us take care of the appearance of your presentation, while you focus on the content.

Themes for Keynote requires Keynote 6.5.2 or later.

Themes for Keynote for Mac 4.5 破解版 – Keynote模板和素材合集-麦氪派
Themes for Keynote for Mac 4.5 破解版 – Keynote模板和素材合集-麦氪派
Themes for Keynote for Mac 4.5 破解版 – Keynote模板和素材合集-麦氪派
Themes for Keynote for Mac 4.5 破解版 – Keynote模板和素材合集-麦氪派

Themes for Keynote for Mac 4.5 下载

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