破解更新。Temperature Gauge Pro Mac版是Mac os平台上的一款非常给力的Mac电脑温度显示软件,Temperature Gauge Pro Mac版可以轻松显示出你电脑当前的整体温度,详细的告知你所有硬件的温度度数和运行情况,以方便更好的维护自己电脑。
[TG Pro 在官网上售价15美元,约合人民币100元]
Version 2.8.0:
- [New] All sensors are now available for Auto Boost rules. Now it's possible to link a fan increase to a particular sensor.
- [New] If a fan is defective, a help popover is visible to describe what that means.
- [New] Added a menu item to manually re-install the fan helper app.
- [Fixed] Only show a shutdown notification once per machine restart.
- [Fixed] Hide the battery Auto Boost rules on Macs where there isn't a battery.
- [Fixed] Issue where it was possible to get a notification for an abnormally hot Intel Iris Pro sensor.
- [Fixed] Issue where it was possible the app would quit when switching from normal to background mode.
- [Fixed] Duplicate prompts to install the fan helper app.
- [Updated] The UI of the diagnostic section.
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