[Temps 在Mac App Store上售价人民币12元]
Temps for Mac 1.13.7 介绍
Temps is a menubar weather app and Netatmo client for your Mac. It provides you with weather forecasts for your current location, your Netatmo Weather Station and up to 10 other places around the world.
Netatmo-Support is an optional feature. Temps supports up to three Netatmo stations + three additional Indoor Modules, Rain gauge and the Wind gauge.
- Weather reports for over 2 million locations worldwide
- Supports up to three weather stations from Netatmo
- Supports the Rain gauge and Wind gauge from Netatmo
- Current weather and 3 day forecast
- Show/hide informations for minimal appearance
- Enhanced for MacBook Pro with Retina Display
- Sync your locations to all your Macs via iCloud
- Current temperature (°C/°F) and weather condition
- Feels like, Humidity, Atmospheric Pressure, Cloud Cover
- Wind, Precipitation, Chance of Rain
- Local Time
- Sunrise and Sunset
- Moonrise and Moonset
Temps for Mac 1.13.7 下载
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