TechTool Pro Mac 破解版 硬件监测和系统维护优化工具

系统增强 版本号:11.0.4

2019-07-11 2,924 百度已收录

TechTool Pro 是Mac上一款强大的硬件监测系统维护优化工具,TechTool Pro 具有系统硬件监测(CPU、内存、硬盘、网络、USB等)、内存测试、S.M.A.R.T检测、磁盘宗卷扫描、宗卷重建和优化、数据恢复和粉碎等等强大的功能,简单易用,非常好用的一款软件!

[TechTool Pro 在官网售价 129.99 美元]

TechTool Pro 11.0.4 Mac 破解版 介绍

TechTool Pro for Mac是一款功能强大的硬件监测系统维护优化工具。长期以来一直是保持您的Mac平稳高效运行的最重要的工具之一。


  • TechTool保护 – 重新设计,以更好地保护您的Mac – TechTool Pro 9包括安装系统偏好设置窗格的选项,以保持您的Mac。新功能包括检查I / O错误,开机自检错误,Mac笔记本内部电池状况和RAID状态(如果适用)。它还包含与TechTool Pro中的SMART检查相同的改进。所有这一切,包裹在一个全新的界面。
  • 检查计算机 – 现在控制 – 检查计算机是告诉TechTool Pro运行整套测试的一种方便的方式,可以为您的Mac健康提供最佳的快照。有时候,能够离开测试或者跳过某些驱动器是很好的。使用新的配置面板,您可以完全控制Check Computer套件。对人民的权力。
  • 分区映射 – 新的硬盘测试 – TechTool Pro一直以测试Mac文件系统而闻名。测试包含Mac文件系统的数据结构也是很重要的:分区映射。新的分区映射测试检查给定驱动器的分区映射是否有错误。分区映射错误可能导致整个卷丢失,或阻止Mac启动。如果发现错误,可以使用分区修复工具修复它们。
  • 分区修复 – 新的驱动器修复工具 – 与修复Mac文件系统的Volume Rebuild一起,分区修复工具会修复驱动器的其余部分,以跟踪硬盘驱动器上的卷。这包括跟踪您的Mac启动过程的隐藏分区。分区修复工具只是做了什么,修复分区映射或驱动器在需要的地方。
  • SMART Check – 现在更加智能 – 硬盘驱动器包括一项名为SMART(自我监测,分析和报告技术)的技术,可以告知计算机硬盘的健康状况。在大多数公用事业中,只有通过或失败的整体结果才会报告给用户。在发生故障的状态下,驱动器完全失效之前,通常很少或根本没有时间备份数据。先前版本的TechTool Pro报告了每个属性的总体状态,但是某些属性不会导致驱动器故障。现在,SMART Check变得更聪明了。 TechTool Pro现在知道哪些属性会导致驱动器故障,并在驱动器完全失败之前报告失败的结果。给你时间来拯救你的数据。
  • 内存测试 – 现在比以往更好 – TechTool Pro 7在测试内存方面迈出了革命性的一步,使得TechTool Pro的内存测试套件成为Mac上最全面的测试。在TechTool Pro 9中,我们采用了ATOMIC(我们专用的内存测试器)所使用的其他一些改进,并将其集成到TechTool Pro中。现在,内存在测试之前被“清理”,从macOS回收,最大限度地增加了可以测试的内存量。
  • 处理器基准测试 – 获得对Mac处理器性能的客观衡量。处理器基准测试也使用业界标准的测量算法来测试处理器性能。使用此工具,您可以获得可用于比较苹果与苹果的处理器速度的指标。避免使用兆赫的比较混乱。
  • 蓝牙 – 新的测试 – 大多数Mac都依赖蓝牙来连接我们用来与我们的电脑进行交互的工具:键盘和鼠标。蓝牙问题可能导致与这些设备的连接断开,这可能是非常令人沮丧的。验证您的Mac的蓝牙硬件的正确操作。确保不仅您的输入设备,而且音频和健身设备都可以通过检查Mac上的蓝牙硬件连接到您的Mac。
  • 网络接口 – 新的测试 – 大多数Mac用户的大部分时间都连接到互联网。如果Mac中的以太网或WiFi适配器不能正常工作,那么与互联网的有价值连接可能会失败。新的网络接口测试可以测试任何连接的网络接口的错误。它不仅可以测试以太网和WiFi,还可以测试任何其他支持的互联网连接,以太网over USB,VPN连接,甚至FireWire网络连接。通过测试Mac的网络接口,确保您的Internet和Intranet连接的可恢复性。

What's New in TechTool Pro

Version 11.0.4:

Mojave Compatibility:
  • Added MacBook Pro (2019) support.
  • Fixed a reported application crash in the Video tool.
  • Fixed issues in Disk Image Cloning subcategory in the Volume Cloning tool.
  • Updates to the Volume Cloning tool to resolve reported APFS cloning issues for bootable volumes.
  • Fixed a selection issue in the Check Computer Configuration window.
  • Extended Apple Notary service support to the TechTool Pro 11 Installer.
  • Updated machine identification strings for Check Computer.
  • Other minor fixes and enhancements.
Security Features:
  • macOS Mojave introduces a number of new security features to keep you safe. In order for applications like Techtool Pro to have access to perform tests and repairs of certain disks, they must be granted 'Full Disk Access.' Techtool Pro 11 now supports this security feature helping to keep your Mac secure.
Home Permissions Tool:
  • If you are being asked to enter your password to move files in your home folder, if apps that store documents in your home folder quit unexpectedly, or your Mac continues to run slowly after extensive troubleshooting, you may have permissions problems in your home folder. Techtool Pro 11 introduces a new tool to reset the permissions in your home folder to restore home folder performance.
Updated Technologies:
  • Previous versions of Techtool Pro had to make certain compromises to support earlier versions of macOS. With Techtool Pro 11, we have been able to take advantage of more advanced methods to perform many of the tasks that make up the functionality in Techtool Pro. We have updated many of the tests and tools to use these technologies to keep your Mac running smoothly.
Results on the go:
  • Techtool Pro supports iCloud Drive. Simply download the new Techtool Remote iOS app (free on the App Store), and open it. Techtool Pro will then send test results to any iOS device logged in to the same iCloud account. So if you have a long test (or tests) running that you want to know the results of, but you need to hit the road, you can now get notified of your results anywhere you have an internet connection.

Version 11.0.3:

Mojave Compatibility:
  • Added Apple Notary Service support.
  • Fixed a potential application crash for SoftRAID volumes.
  • Processor model correction for iMac Pro (2017).
  • Removed Growl notification support.
  • Updated English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Chinese (Simplified) localizations.
  • Updated identification strings for Check Computer.
  • Other minor fixes and enhancements.
Security Features:
  • macOS Mojave introduces a number of new security features to keep you safe. In order for applications like Techtool Pro to have access to perform tests and repairs of certain disks, they must be granted 'Full Disk Access.' Techtool Pro 11 now supports this security feature helping to keep your Mac secure.
Home Permissions Tool:
  • If you are being asked to enter your password to move files in your home folder, if apps that store documents in your home folder quit unexpectedly, or your Mac continues to run slowly after extensive troubleshooting, you may have permissions problems in your home folder. Techtool Pro 11 introduces a new tool to reset the permissions in your home folder to restore home folder performance.
Updated Technologies:
  • Previous versions of Techtool Pro had to make certain compromises to support earlier versions of macOS. With Techtool Pro 11, we have been able to take advantage of more advanced methods to perform many of the tasks that make up the functionality in Techtool Pro. We have updated many of the tests and tools to use these technologies to keep your Mac running smoothly.
Results on the go:
  • Techtool Pro supports iCloud Drive. Simply download the new Techtool Remote iOS app (free on the App Store), and open it. Techtool Pro will then send test results to any iOS device logged in to the same iCloud account. So if you have a long test (or tests) running that you want to know the results of, but you need to hit the road, you can now get notified of your results anywhere you have an internet connection.

Version 10.1.2:

Note: Now requires OS X 10.10 or later

Note: Owners of earlier versions of TechTool Pro 9, 9.5, 9.6 can upgrade to version 10 for $29.99; owners of version 8 can upgrade for $49.99. Anyone using version 7 or earlier can upgrade for $59.99

  • A reported TechTool Protection installation crash.
  • An issue where Volume Rebuild would not rebuild volumes from disk images.
  • Missing TechTool Protection menu icon for macOS 10.14 ‘Mojave’ users.
  • An Email Alerts send issue for the TechTool Protection system preference.
  • Incorrect 10Gbps speed for the Network dial in the main stage.
  • Greyed-out Create eDrive button issue.
  • An errant Power On Self-Test failure in the the TechTool Protection system preference.
  • Mac mini (2018) and MacBook Air (Retina, 13-inch, 2018) support.
  • iPad Pro 11-inch and iPad Pro 12.9-inch (3rd Generation) support for Battery Check.
  • Version number of application into the Email Alerts message.
  • Bluetooth test to identify Bluetooth 5.x correctly.
  • Battery Check test for iOS devices to correctly read the Manufacturer Date information.
  • Email Alerts to enable the Send Test E-mail button when necessary fields are inputted.
  • Device manufacturer database for the Local Network tool.
  • Location and computer identification strings for Check Computer.
  • Minor fixes and corrections.
TechTool Pro Mac 破解版 硬件监测和系统维护优化工具-麦氪派
TechTool Pro Mac 破解版 硬件监测和系统维护优化工具-麦氪派
TechTool Pro Mac 破解版 硬件监测和系统维护优化工具-麦氪派
TechTool Pro Mac 破解版 硬件监测和系统维护优化工具-麦氪派

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