Tagr for Mac 4.11.0 激活版 – MP3/M4A/FLAC整理工具


2017-11-02 2,432 百度已收录


[Tagr在Mac App Store售价人民币68元]

Tagr for Mac 4.11.0 介绍

Tagr is an application that helps you organize your music collection.

With Tagr you can easily edit information such as a song's artist, title, or album cover. Tagr also allows you to control the way your files are named, numbered, and capitalized. There is no more need for having other tools dictate that for you!

Check out the video on www.entwicklungsfreu.de for an in-depth coverage of Tagr!


  • Edit meta data of individual MP3, M4A/M4B, and FLAC files or
  • Edit a list of files in bulk
  • Supported tags: track number/count, title, artist, album artist, composer, album, disc number/count, genre, year, comment, compilation
  • MP3 ID3 versions: v1, v2.3, and v2.4
  • Embed cover art into your songs
  • Apply uppercase, lowercase, and title case capitalization schemes
  • Automatically generate track numbers
  • Choose from predefined file naming schemes or define your own
  • Extract tags from the file name using predefined or custom patterns
  • Search discogs.com for album information and copy it to your songs
  • Listen to songs through QuickLook
  • Customize Tagr to your needs

Enjoy the best version of Tagr yet!

Tagr for Mac 4.11.0 激活版 – MP3/M4A/FLAC整理工具-麦氪派
Tagr for Mac 4.11.0 激活版 – MP3/M4A/FLAC整理工具-麦氪派
Tagr for Mac 4.11.0 激活版 – MP3/M4A/FLAC整理工具-麦氪派
Tagr for Mac 4.11.0 激活版 – MP3/M4A/FLAC整理工具-麦氪派
Tagr for Mac 4.11.0 激活版 – MP3/M4A/FLAC整理工具-麦氪派

Tagr for Mac 4.11.0 下载

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