System Monitor for Mac 1.72 破解版 – 优秀的系统监控工具


2017-07-06 2,831 百度已收录

System Monitor 是一款Mac上优秀的系统监控工具,可以方便的在菜单栏监控显示系统的信息,包括CPU、内存、网速、温度、硬盘等等,很不错!

[System Monitor 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币30元]

System Monitor for Mac 1.72 介绍

System Monitor is an application for the menu bar of OS X, designed to inform you unobtrusively about the activity of your computer. You can retrieve up-to-date technical data any time, like process load, main memory consumption, storage space, disk activity, communication on network interfaces, etc. By positioning the app in the menu bar, minimum screen real estate is wasted. The program monitors your system continuously and is readily available when you need it.

If desired, System Monitor can also simulate the flickering activity lights of hard drives or network sockets in the menu bar. This is possible either in color or, perfectly integrated into the design of OS X, in inconspicuous black-and-white. PC switchers who miss this feature on Mac computers can easily retrofit this function with System Monitor.


Version 1.72:

  • Added support for future operating systems. In particular, this will resolve problems where the mapping between disks and their hosted volumes could not always be presented completely or only slowly for specific partitioning schemes
System Monitor for Mac 1.72 破解版 – 优秀的系统监控工具-麦氪派
System Monitor for Mac 1.72 破解版 – 优秀的系统监控工具-麦氪派

System Monitor for Mac 1.72 下载

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