SuperDuper Mac 破解版 Mac上优秀的数据备份工具

磁盘工具 版本号:3.3.1

2019-12-06 2,826 百度已收录

SuperDuper! 是一款数据恢复及备份工具。 可以帮助你恢复你电脑误删除文件,甚至格式化后丢失的数据。

[SuperDuper 在官网售价27.95美元]

SuperDuper 3.3.1 Mac 破解版 介绍

SuperDuper! 是一款数据恢复及备份工具。 可以帮助你恢复你电脑误删除文件,甚至格式化后丢失的数据。

同时,它能够在 OS X 系统下备份系统分区或单个/多个文件,由它备份的分区文件可以直接通过变色龙引导启动。


What's New in SuperDuper!

Version 3.3:

  • Missing Volume Support for scheduled copies. You can now tell us that you don’t want an error when a drive is missing when a schedule runs.
Bug Fixes:
  • Worked around -1708/-1701/-1712 errors, improving automated copies
  • Sorts file columns in the script editor

Version 3.2.5:

  • The latest version of SuperDuper! is faster, better, fully compatible with macOS Mojave
  • Adds Smart Wake, Smart Delete, Notification Center support, additional control capabilities, and improves many aspects of the user experience

Version 3.2.4:

  • Added Smart Wake, Smart Delete, Notification Center support, additional control capabilities, and improves many aspects of the user experience
SuperDuper Mac 破解版 Mac上优秀的数据备份工具-麦氪派

SuperDuper 3.3.1 Mac 破解版 下载

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