Stars 5 for Mac 5.0.2 激活版 – iTunes音乐增强软件


2016-09-14 3,360 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。如果你已经是iTunes的用户,并享受你的音乐库,以维持秩序,你一定要使用评级。不舒服 – 但要通过上下文菜单或其在Dock图标直接放在了明星在节目中。更容易把轨道估计不会中断在iTunes的。要做到这一点,你可以得到一个小,但非常有用的工具星。

[Stars 在Mac App Store上售价人民币 18元]

Stars 5 for Mac 5.0.2 介绍

Rate the currently playing song in iTunes from your menu bar with a single click of the mouse. After enough songs are rated, you can use the data to create smart playlists that contains your most favorite music in iTunes.


  • You can see the current song's rating with a quick glance at the menu bar.
  • Stars notifies you to rate a song if it's unrated when you're 3/4th of the way through the song.
  • Play/pause, next, and previous buttons to control iTunes. Option clicking the previous/next buttons skips and rewinds by 10 seconds. Holding down on the buttons will fast-forward and rewind.
  • View album cover art while rating the current track.
  • You can setup keyboard shortcuts to change the rating with.
  • Correctly shows album ratings and half-star ratings.
  • It takes up room to show the stars in the menubar only when iTunes is playing.
Stars 5 for Mac 5.0.2 激活版 – iTunes音乐增强软件-麦氪派
Stars 5 for Mac 5.0.2 激活版 – iTunes音乐增强软件-麦氪派
Stars 5 for Mac 5.0.2 激活版 – iTunes音乐增强软件-麦氪派
Stars 5 for Mac 5.0.2 激活版 – iTunes音乐增强软件-麦氪派
Stars 5 for Mac 5.0.2 激活版 – iTunes音乐增强软件-麦氪派

Stars 5 for Mac 5.0.2 下载

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