SSH Copy for Mac 17.03.1 激活版 – SFTP客户端


2017-03-13 4,633 百度已收录

SSH Copy是一个直观的SFTP(安全文件传输协议)客户端允许您像Finder中一样管理远程文件。

[SSH Copy 在 Mac App Store上售价12元]

SSH Copy for Mac 17.03.1 介绍

SSH Copy is an intuitive SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) client lets you manage remote files as in Finder.

Notable Features:

  • Uploading / downloading your remote files or folders by drag and drop
  • Holds multiple SFTP sessions for different servers
  • Switch between SFTP sessions using swipe gestures with Trackpad or Magic Mouse
  • Automatically reconnect after disconnected by errors or waking up from sleep
  • Remember and autofill ssh login passwords in OS X keychain automatically
  • Able to manage private keys, and can remember / forget passphrases of private keys in keychain
  • Servers can be imported from / exported as JSON file

SSH Functions:

  • Able to compress SSH connection
  • Support public-key, password, keyboard-interactive authentication methods
  • Support Google Authenticator and Authy for two-step verification
  • Support multi-factor authentication
  • Can deal with DSA, RSA, ECDSA, ed25519 private key types
  • RFC4716, PKCS#8 and PEM key formats are supported, compatible with OpenSSH

SSH Copy support mail:


Version 17.03.1:

  • Fixed a minor issue with the display of incorrect speeds in the download list when downloading folders or empty files
  • The data transmission speed is now 2 times faster, for both uploading and downloading
SSH Copy for Mac 17.03.1 激活版 – SFTP客户端-麦氪派
SSH Copy for Mac 17.03.1 激活版 – SFTP客户端-麦氪派
SSH Copy for Mac 17.03.1 激活版 – SFTP客户端-麦氪派
SSH Copy for Mac 17.03.1 激活版 – SFTP客户端-麦氪派
SSH Copy for Mac 17.03.1 激活版 – SFTP客户端-麦氪派

SSH Copy for Mac 17.03.1 下载

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