SQLPro for MSSQL for Mac 1.0.77 激活版 – 优秀的MSSQL数据库客户端


2016-10-17 4,809 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。 SQLPro for MSSQL 是一款Mac上优秀的MSSQL数据库客户端,简单易用,支持存储过程调用和所有的MSSQL版本,很不错!

[SQLPro for MSSQL 在Mac App Store上售价人民币518元]

SQLPro for MSSQL for Mac 1.0.77 介绍

SQLPro for MSSQL is a lightweight Microsoft SQL Server database client, allowing quick and simple access to MSSQL Servers, including those hosted via cloud services such as SQL Azure or Amazon RDS.

Features include:

  • Syntax highlighting (including customizable themes).
  • Intellisense.
  • Tabbed based interface.
  • Support for executing multiple queries at once.
  • Quick access to tables, columns and more.
  • Stored procedure execution.
  • NTLMv2 supported (but not required).

SQL Client Management Studio can be used to connect with the following databases:

  • Microsoft SQL Azure
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016

Thanks to the FreeTDS project (http://www.freetds.org/) for their great library.

This SQL Client does NOT work with MySQL or Postgres. Please ensure that your server is a Microsoft SQL Server (2005 or above).

Note 1: SQL Server Express is supported, however using it makes me sad. Please confirm that the SQL Server Express installation has been configured properly for remote connections over TCP/IP, and that you can connect remotely from another windows pc before requesting support.

SQLPro for MSSQL for Mac 1.0.77 激活版 – 优秀的MSSQL数据库客户端-麦氪派
SQLPro for MSSQL for Mac 1.0.77 激活版 – 优秀的MSSQL数据库客户端-麦氪派
SQLPro for MSSQL for Mac 1.0.77 激活版 – 优秀的MSSQL数据库客户端-麦氪派

SQLPro for MSSQL for Mac 1.0.77 下载

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