Spillo for Mac 1.9.9 激活版 – 优秀的Pinboard书签管理工具


2017-02-16 2,691 百度已收录

Spillo 是一款Mac上的Pinboard书签管理工具,而Pinboard一家提供网络书签收藏服务的网站,Spillo是 Mac 上的一款Pinboard客户端,界面是三栏布局,可以方便快捷的在设置书签页面,可以方便查询和查找。

[Spillo 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币98元]

Spillo for Mac 1.9.9 介绍

Spillo is a powerful, beautiful and amazingly fast Pinboard client. It lets you browse and organize your bookmarks in a stunning modern interface. It also makes creating a bookmark from anywhere on your Mac as convenient as possible.

  • A beautiful interface: Spillo has a beautiful modern interface that feels just right at home on your Mac. It uses all the latest technologies that you would expect from a modern OS X application.
  • Easily organize your bookmarks: Spillo allows you to create powerful collections by specifying a number of rules. Don't limit yourself to Pinboard's default organization and create collections that just match your needs.
  • Create powerful searches: Spillo also allows you to create and save public searches based on a username and a number of tags. You can keep recurrent searches right in your sidebar.
  • Share to a multitude of services: Spillo supports sharing your bookmaks to a multitude of services such as Instapaper, Pocket, Twitter and Facebook. Should you be annoyed by some services, you can easily disable them in the Preferences.
  • Quickly create a bookmark from anywhere on your Mac: Spillo's bookmark creation window can be brought up from anywhere on your Mac. Use the (optional) menu item or global shortcut to bring up. The URL field will also be pre-populated based on the content of your clipboard.
  • Browser integration to make bookmarking simpler: Spillo comes with browser extensions that make bookmarking from any page trivial. The bookmark creation window will be pre-populated based on the content of the current page. They are available for Safari and Chrome.
  • Spillo is super fast!: Spillo's edge is its speed and responsiveness. Don't wait on a slow network to process your data, it caches it and syncs whenever it's more convenient.
  • All the shortcuts you would expect: Spillo has a multitude of shortcuts that make browsing, organizing and editing your bookmarks so much quicker.
  • AppleScript support: Spillo has full AppleScript support for browsing, creating and updating bookmarks so it's easily extendable. Want to create an Alfred workflow to create a new bookmark in Spillo? You can do it with a couple of lines of AppleScript. Check this script that retrieves the current tab in Safari and presents the Spillo window to create a bookmark for that URL.
  • Create your own Sharing Service plugins: Spillo has an open plugin architecture that lets you extend the built-in sharing capabilities by building your own Sharing Services. Building a plugin is really easy, just check out the small SDK on GitHub and start building!


New Features

  • Fix an issue where Spillo would incorrectly show SSL errors when navigating to a new page
Spillo for Mac 1.9.9 激活版 – 优秀的Pinboard书签管理工具-麦氪派
Spillo for Mac 1.9.9 激活版 – 优秀的Pinboard书签管理工具-麦氪派
Spillo for Mac 1.9.9 激活版 – 优秀的Pinboard书签管理工具-麦氪派
Spillo for Mac 1.9.9 激活版 – 优秀的Pinboard书签管理工具-麦氪派
Spillo for Mac 1.9.9 激活版 – 优秀的Pinboard书签管理工具-麦氪派

Spillo for Mac 1.9.9 下载

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