SpamSieve Mac 破解版 垃圾邮件过滤工具

邮件处理 版本号:2.9.36

2019-05-29 2,230 百度已收录


[SpamSieve 在官网售价$30]

SpamSieve 2.9.36 Mac 破解版 介绍

SpamSieve for Mac是一款强大的垃圾邮件过滤器,适用于使用功能强大的贝叶斯垃圾邮件过滤的主要电子邮件客户。她了解您的垃圾邮件是什么样子的,为了阻止这一切,但也了解您的合法邮件是什么样子,以避免混淆。垃圾邮件只在您的电子邮件客户端标记垃圾邮件,所以你永远不会丢失任何邮件。


  • Apple Mail
  • Airmail
  • Emailer
  • Entourage
  • Outlook 2011
  • Outlook Express
  • Eudora 5.2 or 6.x (Sponsored or Paid)
  • MailForge
  • MailMate
  • Mailsmith
  • GyazMail
  • Postbox
  • PowerMail
  • Thunderbird 2

What's New

Version 2.9.36:

  • Made various changes to improve SpamSieve’s filtering accuracy.
  • When using Outlook 365, you can now use Outlook rules to organize messages into folders, and SpamSieve will filter them (rather than just the messages in the inbox). The details for how to set this up are in Filtering Other Folders in the Setting Up Outlook 365section of the manual. (This has always worked automatically, with no special setup, in previous versions of Outlook and in Apple Mail.)
  • After you manually refilter messages in Outlook, SpamSieve now clears the selection to prevent accidental bulk training when correcting a spam message that remains.
  • Fixed a problem where some Apple Mail messages that were colored as spam still displayed with white text in Dark Mode, which was difficult to read.
  • Improved the following sections of the manual:
  • If SpamSieve encounters an error because your Mac’s storage is full, it now displays information about the free space available and recommends Apple’s guide to freeing up storage space.
  • SpamSieve reports a more useful error message if it determines that the reason its application package is damaged is because it’s running from a Carbon Copy Cloner safety net.
  • Improved the error message when uninstalling the Apple Mail plug-in if SpamSieve hasn’t been granted Full Disk Access.
  • Improved the error message when SpamSieve doesn’t have access to your Contacts.
  • Worked around a problem where asking Apple Mail for the list of mailboxes could cause it to hang at launch.
  • When training a good message in Apple Mail, if SpamSieve can’t find the proper inbox it logs more information to help figure out what happened.
  • Fixed a bug displaying the number of licenses in the Purchase window.
  • Fixed a bug where debug logging of messages that caused parser crashes wasn’t working with Apple Mail.
  • The diagnostic report now includes information about when the privacy database was last reset.
  • Diagnostic reports now work better when SpamSieve lacks Full Disk Access.
  • Updated to Xcode 10.2.
SpamSieve Mac 破解版 垃圾邮件过滤工具-麦氪派

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