Space Drop for Mac 1.7.1 破解版 – 增强拖放工具


2017-06-27 2,757 百度已收录

Space Drop 使拖放文件更容易,随便一个便利的底座,立即出现,当您开始拖动文件。它创建一个临时的地方,您可以在导航到需要删除的位置时存储文件。这释放了鼠标,使过程更加愉快。

[Space Drop 在Mac App Store上售价人民币30元]

Space Drop for Mac 1.7.1 介绍

Space Drop is an essential utility for Mac users who want to seriously speed up their workflow. This app makes dragging-and-dropping files much easier with a handy dock that instantly appears whenever you start dragging a file. It creates a temporary place for you to store your files whilst you navigate to where they need to be dropped. This frees up your mouse and makes the process much more pleasant.

  • Add single or multiple files into Space Drop in one go, if you drag in multiple files together, it'll create a stack group of those files combined.
  • Allows you to create a temporary storage space for files and folders you need quick access to or need to collate before dragging them to another app or location.
  • Add files and folders to Space Drop by dragging them to the drop window, menubar icon and/or dock icon.
  • Supports multiple monitor set ups.
  • Supports almost every file type and cocoa application.
  • Control which apps Space Drop will detect dragging on.
  • Customize color, opacity, window position and much more.
  • Works with full screen apps.
  • Supports QuickLook to preview files within your Space Drop.
  • Configure the app to launch when you login to your Mac.
  • Toggle the Space Drop window using a hotkey if set.
  • Right click on files and select delete to remove them or press the trash can icon to remove all files.
Space Drop for Mac 1.7.1 破解版 – 增强拖放工具-麦氪派
Space Drop for Mac 1.7.1 破解版 – 增强拖放工具-麦氪派
Space Drop for Mac 1.7.1 破解版 – 增强拖放工具-麦氪派
Space Drop for Mac 1.7.1 破解版 – 增强拖放工具-麦氪派
Space Drop for Mac 1.7.1 破解版 – 增强拖放工具-麦氪派

Space Drop for Mac 1.7.1 下载

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