SoundSource Mac 破解版 音频控制软件

系统增强 版本号:4.1.4

2019-09-11 3,183 百度已收录


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SoundSource 4.1.4 Mac 破解版 介绍

SoundSource for Mac是一款简单易用的快速切换Mac音频输入和输出源的工具。一个基于菜单栏的实用程序,可让您即时访问输入,输出和系统设备以及音量设置。帮助您通过菜单栏分别控制每个音源的音量。作为一个附加优势,还为您提供了一个快速访问完整声音偏好设置窗格的方法。



What's new in SoundSource

Version 4.1.4:

  • SoundSource now has preliminary compatibility with MacOS 10.15 (Catalina). However, please note that Apple now requires third-party Audio Unit plugins to be properly signed and notarized. As a result, many older plugins will not load in SoundSource on Catalina (nor in any other modern audio application). The developers of these individual plugins will need to issue properly signed updates to their plugins.
  • The backend Audio Capture Engine (ACE) has been updated to 11.0.0, with preliminary MacOS 10.15 (Catalina) compatibility as well as other fixes and improvements.
  • SoundSource now allows custom presets to be overwritten with new settings.
  • An issue where Magic Boost could cause a brief glitch in initial audio playback has been corrected.
  • Closing SoundSource's main app window with the escape key or command + W now returns focus to the app which previously had it.
  • The balance slider now correctly returns to 0 when adjusting via the arrow keys. Its read-outs when using VoiceOver have also been improved.
  • A VoiceOver press of the menu bar icon now works as expected.
  • Several other small bugs have been fixed, including a problem where the history of audio devices could be lost, an issue with the Knowledge Base article for Super Volume Keys not opening as expected, and a flicker when adjusting the menu bar icon.
  • SoundSource now requires MacOS 10.12 (Sierra) or higher. If you're still on 10.11 (or lower), be sure to see our Legacy page.
  • SoundSource's wizard for installing, updating, and removing ACE (among other things) has been overhauled, with many small improvements and enhancements. Update notes are now presented on the first launch of a new version, and the wizard will now intelligently warn if uninstalling will impact other applications.
  • The previous SoundSource 4.1.3 release was withdrawn approximately 20 hours after its release, due to issues loading third-party audio plugins. Its changelog items have been migrated to this subsequent 4.1.4 release.
SoundSource Mac 破解版 音频控制软件-麦氪派

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