Soulver 3 Mac 破解版 Mac 上强大的多功能计算器

原生中文 版本号:

2019-12-02 3,132 百度已收录

Soulver 是一款 Mac 上的多功能计算器,相比系统自带的计算器Soulver拥有更为强大的功能,它让你输入计算的数字和操作符,然后帮助你计算出结果,更加的符合人们的计算习惯,此外,还支持很多强大的功能,需要大家慢慢发掘了,如输入120 - 10% ,会自动计算出结果102,非常的强大!

[Soulver 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币 78 元]

Soulver Mac 破解版 介绍





  • 整合文字编辑功能的快速计算器
  • 用文字注记让你的计算简单易懂。
  • 计算百分比。 ("$120 - 10%", "30 as a % of 200")
  • 看见计算的行列总数
  • 单位换算 ("10 USD in Euros, "22 feet in meters")
  • 股票换算 ("100 AAPL")
  • 使用代码引用特定行列算式
  • 自定变量快速取用常用数值
  • 符合精确数学计算功能
  • 支援二进位、十六进位计算
  • 在iPhone和iPad上的Soulver App同步使用你的算式
  • 输出成PDF和HTML文件
  • 支援 Mac OS 10.7 Lion

Support for Resume & Versions on Mac OS 10.7 Lion

2010 Mac Gem奖:MacWorld 四星评价

2010 Mac OS X Ars 设计奖:第二名

Acqualia重新发明了计算器,我认为他们带着天才之作登场” - AppStorm

“毫无疑问,这是苹果的平台上最好的一款计算器”- SmokingApples

What's New in Soulver

Version 3.1.0:

Documents & Sheets:
  • You can now open, edit and save Soulver 3 files in Finder, rather than needing to import and export them to make edits
  • Added a duplicate sheet command
  • Added the ability to set default answer formatting options (under Tweak Engine…)
  • Lines by default always match the default formatting. If you set any manual formatting options, they will always use the user specified settings
  • You can reset lines to always use the default
  • The quick total now uses the default formatting options too
  • Added all the line formatting options to the answer contextual menu
  • Added a fraction formatting option (i.e 1.75 = 1 3/4)
  • Added support for ‘vulgar fraction’ characters, like ½, ¼, etc
  • Fixed an issue where fractions wouldn’t work as part of unit expressions
Calculator Engine:
  • You can now use fractional units of time in date/time calculations (i.e 3pm + 1.5 hours)
  • You can now used bracketed expressions as part of phrase functions (i.e (5+5) as a % of (10+10))
  • A time component is now always included in the result of a date and time calculation when it is included in the expression
  • Added a ‘mph’ unit (miles per hour)
  • Added support for bps units (kbps, mbps, gbps, etc)
  • Added additional electrical units (amps, volts, ohms) pressure units (bar, psi, atm), substance units (moles)
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where specifying the output unit did not work with some date calculation phrases
  • Fixed an issue where system text replacements were not working in Soulver
  • Fixed an issue where fractional units without a 0 (like .5m) were not working correctly
  • Fixed a bug where references depending on subtotals would in certain cases not update after a line above had been deleted
  • Fixed a bug with multiplying pure percentages

Version 2.7.0:

  • Support for dark mode on 10.14+


  • Fixed a bug where Soulver could crash on launch for some users, due to the currency server being unavailable. Soulver will now correctly switch to an alternative source for currency rates.
Soulver 3 Mac 破解版 Mac 上强大的多功能计算器-麦氪派
Soulver 3 Mac 破解版 Mac 上强大的多功能计算器-麦氪派
Soulver 3 Mac 破解版 Mac 上强大的多功能计算器-麦氪派

Soulver Mac 破解版 下载

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