Sonarworks Reference 4 Studio Edition Mac 破解版 专业的声学校正工具

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2019-10-12 2,151 百度已收录

Sonarworks Reference 4 是一款专业的声学校正软件,旨在为更多声音工程师、制作人和音乐人带去可信赖的监听声音,它能够去除控制室以及其他位置的监听声染,支持的耳机资源库也增加到了101种。

[Sonarworks Reference 4 在官网售价 699.00 欧元]

Sonarworks Reference 4 Studio Edition Mac 破解版 介绍

Sonarworks Reference 4 Systemwide upgrade calibrates all of your outgoing audio. Finally a dependable sound standard is now available outside of DAW for seamless production and referencing. No more dragging files into your DAW project just to have a listen or figuring out how to check if your kick blasts as hard as the best of them on Soundcloud.

Response Curve view

Add or remove various frequency response curve visualizations to your frequency graph. See your room sound before and after the correction, look at your left and right driver response individually or follow your overall phase alignment while using different filter modes.

Reference Curve Presets
Enhance your mixing and listening experience by choosing between our predefined reference curves and speaker simulations. Reference, guide and choose between several popular speaker simulations by tilting, adding or decreasing some bottom end.

Reference sound everywhere
Reference 4 Systemwide allows using calibrated sound for critical listening from any playback source. No more dragging files into your DAW project just to have a listen or figuring out how to check if your kick blasts as hard as the best of them on Soundcloud.

Mono Monitoring
Mono never left! There is a handy option to switch your mix to mono, but still maintaining a stereo correction, giving you an easy way to check if your mix will sound good in mono as well.

Avoid clipping
Our Audio Calibration Engine boosts some frequencies to fill in the frequency response dips, and to make your speakers sound precise. By flipping the “avoid clipping” switch you will ensure that your audio output does not get become distorted when calibrated.

Dry/Wet control
This is not a conventional Dry/Wet knob that is used to mix the effect in parallel! The correction curve is actually being smoothed out when you raise or lower this knob to gradually reduce or increase the effect of a calibration.

Sonarworks Reference 4 Studio Edition Mac 破解版 专业的声学校正工具-麦氪派

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