SoftRAID Mac 破解版 磁盘阵列管理应用

硬件工具 版本号:5.8.1

2019-11-20 3,487 百度已收录

SoftRAID 5是一款管理磁盘以提高性能和可靠性的RAID工具,它允许用户创建和管理RAID 4和5卷,RAID 1 + 0和RAID 1(镜像)和RAID 0(条带)卷。SoftRAID还提供“预测性磁盘故障”,用户即使在故障发生之前也会收到潜在的磁盘故障警报。


SoftRAID 5.8.1 Mac 破解版 介绍

SOFRAID允许您创建和管理磁盘阵列,以提高性能和可靠性。SOFRAID允许用户创建和管理RAID 4和5卷、RAID 1 + 0、RAID 1(镜像)和RAID 0(条带)卷。SOFRAID也提供了“预测性磁盘故障”,在用户失败之前,用户会对潜在的磁盘故障发出警报。

SOFRAID的直观界面和强大的功能集使这个实用程序成为任何OS X服务器管理员必备的“Pro”用户、摄影师、数字视频编辑器或桌面用户,他们希望为他的计算机提供更可靠的备份。

What's New in SoftRAID

Version 5.8:

  • Includes important bug fixes and changes that improve SoftRAID compatibility with macOS 10.15 Catalina

Version 5.7.5:

  • Support for localized update and upgrade feature lists in the Update Available window. This window is displayed in both the SoftRAID application and SoftRAID Monitor when a new version of SoftRAID is available
  • Support for Akitio Thunder2 Quad and Thunder2 Quad mini to SoftRAID XT

Version 5.7.2:

Known Bugs:
  • SoftRAID does not support creating, modifying or converting APFS volumes
  • There’s a bug in macOS 10.14, Mojave, which causes SoftRAID volumes to not be displayed in the "Storage tab of the "About this Mac window
New features:
  • Enabled code in the SoftRAID application to display the OWC product registration page when a new ThunderBay 6 is attached to the Mac
  • Added code to work around problems in Mac OS which can cause applications to be quarantined by the Finder indefinitely
Bugs fixed:
  • In the SoftRAID application which caused clipping in the more info text of the collect system info opt-in dialog. This was only visible when SoftRAID was run with some non-English languages
  • In the SoftRAID XT version of SoftRAID Easy Setup which caused it not to recognize disks in OWC enclosures
  • In the SoftRAID XT application which prevented it from working with disks in OWC Mercury Elite Pro Quad enclosures
  • In the SoftRAID application which caused newly created or erased volumes to be write protected when running Mac OS 10.14
  • In the SoftRAID application which prevented the "no errors string from being displayed if a disk had not been initialized to SoftRAID format
  • In the SoftRAID application which could result in unmountable volumes. This could occur if a user selected a RAID 4 or RAID 5 volume which was missing 2 or more disks and selected "Remove Missing Disks from the "Volume menu
  • In the SoftRAID application and SoftRAID Monitor which caused some SSDs to be incorrectly marked as predicted to fail
SoftRAID Mac 破解版 磁盘阵列管理应用-麦氪派

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