Softorino YouTube Converter for Mac 1.1.11 破解版 – YouTube下载转换器


2017-07-03 3,201 百度已收录

通过使用Softorino YouTube Converter ,可以简单快速的从YouTube下载和转换视频,简单的将链接复制到视频,转到应用程序并选择要保存视频的位置。

[Softorino YouTube Converter 在官网售价19.95美元,约合人民币120元]

Softorino YouTube Converter for Mac 1.1.11 介绍

YouTube to MP3. Offline YT Converter. No Ads. Background Playback.

No ads.

Forget the irritating YouTube video Ads that make you wait the longest 5 sec in the world to skip it. Get the genuine quality of videos as the creators intended it to have. Softorino YouTubeConverter is the best way to watch any YouTube video without commercials.

Offline Playback.

YouTube is still a perfect source to save YouTube videos or the audio track to listen to it offline. The wait is over! We made it possible to listen & watch YouTube on-the-go. Just download videos offline to watch without interruption on your computer or mobile device.

Save YouTube Videos & Music Directly to iPhone.

This is truly an exclusive feature (no joke) – if you connect your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, you can transfer YouTube videos directly into your iOS device. It will be available in a native Music & Videos Apple factory apps.

Softorino YouTube Converter for Mac 1.1.11 破解版 – YouTube下载转换器-麦氪派

Softorino YouTube Converter for Mac 1.1.11 下载

免费下载 高速下载 荔枝正版
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