SMART Utility for Mac 3.2 注册版 – Mac上优秀的磁盘诊断工具


2016-01-04 6,373 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。 SMART Utility是一款Mac上磁盘诊断工具,能够自动检测磁盘的状态和错误情况,分析并提供错误报告,以直观的界面让用户可明确地知道自己的磁盘状况,支持普通硬盘HDD和固态硬盘SSD,能够显示出详细的磁盘信息,包括驱动模型、容量、开机时间、温度、错误数等等!

[SMART Utility 在官网上售价25美元,约合人民币150元]

SMART Utility for Mac 3.2 介绍

SMART Utility is an application to scan the internal hardware diagnostics system of hard drives. SMART (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) is a system built into hard drives by their manufacturers to report on various measurements (called attributes) of a hard drive's operation. The attributes can be used to detect when a hard drive is having mechanical or electrical problems, and can indicate when the hard drive is dying. This allows time to hopefully backup, and then replace the drive.

Run this utility once a week or more to ensure your HD, and your data, are okay!

Note: The demo runs for 30 days or 15 launches, whichever is longer.

SMART Utility for Mac 3.2 注册版 – Mac上优秀的磁盘诊断工具-麦氪派

SMART Utility for Mac 3.2 下载

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