Smart Shooter 是一款Mac上优秀的数码相机控制软件,可以通过Mac电脑快速的查看照片,或者随时随地的拍照取景,很不错!
[Smart Shooter 3 在Mac App Store上售价人民币50元]
Smart Shooter 3 for Mac 3.27 介绍
Smart Shooter allows you to fully control your camera from your Mac, giving you freedom to explore and experiment to help take the perfect picture.
Automatic download and display means you can fully evaluate your photos in seconds, and real time live view output will help you focus and compose the scene.
Scripting language lets you control your camera, allowing you to take multiple photos with varying settings just by clicking a single button.
Version 3.27:
- Switch to DevMate for licensing system
- Remove use of Canon EDSDK for camera communication
Smart Shooter 3 for Mac 3.27 下载
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