Sketch Mac 破解版 Mac上专业的矢量绘图工具

原生中文 版本号:61

2019-12-03 34,341 百度已收录

Sketch 是一款Mac上小巧但功能强大的矢量绘图软件,这是专为设计师而打造的矢量绘图软件,拥有简约的设计,调色板,面板,菜单,窗口,控件和功能强大的矢量绘图和文字工具;包含针对UI设计的操作和交互模式,让你设计图标、移动手机UI、网站UI等更加简单高效。

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Sketch 61 Mac 破解版 介绍








为了您的方便,Sketch还包括一组用于各种类型项目的模板(IOS AppIcon、IOS UI设计、MacAppIcon或WebDesign)和一个模型(欢迎来到Sketch)。





What's New in Sketch

Version 60:

  • We’ve given the Documents window a bit of a tidy and moved the New Document button back next to your document previews. As a bonus, if you click the New Document thumbnail while you’re viewing a specific project, we’ll pre-fill that project name when you go to save your document for the first time.
  • We all change our minds from time to time, so we’ve introduced the ability to rename Cloud documents from the Mac app. Just choose File › Rename whenever inspiration for a new name strikes.
  • You can now copy SVG code from slices as well as regular layers by choosing Edit > Copy > Copy as SVG code.
  • If you’ve ever found yourself feeling sad because you can’t enter math operations in the Scale Layers sheet, then feel sad no longer! We’ve made it possible to use all of your favorite math operators to save you having to calculate those new dimensions elsewhere. We’ve also removed px from the end of the Width and Height fields to keep things consistent with similar fields in the Inspector.
  • If you enable the Scale down images to fit Artboards preference, we’ll now perfectly place big bitmaps right in the centre of your Artboards and scale them down to fit (so long as that bitmap was bigger than the Artboard to begin with, of course).
  • Continuing our Libraries theme, Components that belong to local Libraries will automatically relink themselves if you upload that Library to Cloud and share it via Sketch for Teams. All you need to do is make sure you’ve enabled that new Cloud Library in Sketch’s preferences and deleted any local copies you have. We’ll handle the rest and make the Symbols and Styles in your documents stay linked up.
  • A bug where leaving the Documents window open for a while and then trying to open a document would result in a cryptic “This file is not a database” message. Your files were always safe, but now they should open without a hitch.
  • A bug where thumbnails in the Documents window would load slowly or fail to load at all, especially on slower internet connections.
  • A bug where you wouldn’t get a notification and could lose changes if you lost your internet connection while a document was uploading to Cloud after you quit Sketch or closed that document.
  • A bug where flattening a selection to bitmap would mistakenly include an Artboard’s background in the result.
  • A bug where Symbols with Smart Layout that were resized, and nested within another Symbol, would appear at their original size when you inserted the Symbol they were nested in onto the Canvas.
  • A bug that would cause a Symbol’s layers to shift unexpectedly when you inserted an instance or detached from a Symbol.
  • A bug which meant you couldn’t enter edit mode for a text layer if you were already in edit mode with another text layer.
  • A bug where dragging a Symbol instance into a Symbol master would cause Sketch to hang.
  • A bug where text in edit mode wouldn’t immediately change if you selected an OpenType feature.
  • A bug where open paths would unexpectedly close when you flattened them.
  • A crash that could occur if you pressed Enter on your keyboard to confirm and submit on the Rotate Copies sheet.
  • A bug where layer constraints you applied within a group would continue to affect layers you moved outside of that group.
  • A bug that meant text layers wouldn’t render correctly when they were rotated and contained missing fonts.
  • A bug where previews of Symbol instances with overrides that featured missing fonts wouldn’t save or display correctly. In some cases, the missing font preview might not be positioned perfectly (especially for overridden, centered text), but we’re working on a fix for this, too.
  • A bug where unlocking a layer would make its resizing handles disappear until you deselected and reselected it. We’ve fixed that to save you a few clicks.
  • A bug where titles in the Variable Font Options popover could appear cut off if you’d set your scrollbar preferences to Always in System Preferences and the popover itself wasn’t fully on the screen.
  • A bug where centered text within a Symbol using a Horizontal and Centered Layout might end up off-center if you resized its parent instance on the Canvas.
Sketch Mac 破解版 Mac上专业的矢量绘图工具-麦氪派

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