Sketch for Mac 45.1 破解版 – Mac上专业的矢量绘图工具


2017-07-08 5,661 百度已收录

Sketch 是一款Mac上小巧但功能强大的矢量绘图软件,最新版本,增加了大量新的功能,尤其是Sketch Mirror,相比其他的矢量绘图软件,比如AI,Sketch的优点在于使用简单,学习曲线低,让我们能够用Sketch快速的绘制图形,可以说是轻量级的 AI,Sketch 提供了基本的形状,支持自动切图,PDF、EPS、SVG等格式文件的导入和导出,并且增加了移动设计模板,非常适合进行网站设计。

[Sketch 在 官网上售价129美元,约合人民币780元]

Sketch for Mac 45.1 介绍




除了以上功能,还可以导入的图片,可以旋转,缩放,裁剪和屏蔽。最好的一流的文字工具,您可以添加漂亮的印刷字体到您的设计,使用本地字体渲染,所以你可以肯定的是文字看起来总是100 %准确!

全新的Sketch 3,符号允许您重用的内容在多个地方整个群体在您的设计。觉得界面元素,如按钮,页眉和页脚。改变他们一次,他们无处不在更新您的文档中。

Sketch支持OS X的版本和自动保存,不需要CMD + S保存,可以让你专注于你的工作保持你的工作,同时通过iCloud能在多个Mac电脑同步。

新在版本Sketch 3 :

  • 符号,在你的设计重用元素
  • 文本样式和图层样式,重新设计并统一为一个更好的体验
  • 重新设计的检查,给你的一切更快的访问
  • 自动切片,直接出口层,而无需设置手动切片
  • 从一个单一的片出口多种分辨率,在任何规模的
  • 改进的PDF , EPS和SVG的导入和导出
  • 速度, bug修复和波兰各地
  • 演示模式,全屏显示和隐藏所有控制,完美的炫耀设计
  • 改进的位图编辑与魔术棒,裁剪,翻转和矢量化工具


  • 简单但功能强大的接口,从地上爬起来为OS X内置
  • 优化的视网膜和非Retina显示屏
  • 强大的造型:多重阴影,多个填充,渐变,混合,模糊,噪点多...
  • 灵活的布尔操作简单的图形组合成复杂的形状
  • 画板及切片出口多个图像出一个单一的文件
  • 在同一时间自动导出为多种分辨率
  • 独特的颜色(与RGB和HSB模式)和字体选择器
  • 美丽的原生文本渲染和文本样式
  • 向量和像素变焦;放大与无限向量的精度或个别像素
  • 多站和径向渐变编辑右侧的画布中。强大的所见即所得的渲染
  • 共享的图层样式,可以自动更新所有相关层
  • 共享文本样式的文字层之间共享字体和段落信息
  • 功能强大,易于使用的矢量工具
  • 设计师可以在网络上梦幻般的资源,越来越多的社区



  • Web和iOS的设计模板标配
  • 复制CSS样式到剪贴板(包括梯度! )
  • 切片:将出口作为画布上的图像区域
  • 960默认网格,与更先进的网格选项的支持
  • 创建一个文档内的多个页面
  • 标准响应网页设计画板


  • 画板:每个都是自己的小帆布
  • iOS的图标模板
  • 像素网格
  • 像素效果,如高斯和运动模糊
  • 舍入到最近的像素边缘


Version 45.1:

New or Improved
  • The buttons at the top of the Vector and Bitmap editing Inspectors are now using the system style
  • Distribute and Align buttons are now hidden when they’re not applicable
  • When creating a Symbol, a new "Symbols" page will no longer be added if there’s already another page containing Symbols in the document
  • Added controls in the Touch Bar to open or close paths
  • Symbols and Shared (Text) Styles now show nested menus when swapping via the Inspector, and reveal the menu at the current selection
  • Improved the alignment of labels and controls in the Inspector
  • When clicking on one of many selected handles in the vector editor, we now deselect the other ones
  • Added a keyboard shortcut for opening or closing a path (Option-Command-O)
  • iOS UI Design Template has been updated with new styles, nested Symbols and improved overrides
  • Dimensions of the current selection are now taken into account when creating new custom Artboard presets
  • Improved selection of Artboards on the Canvas; click-and-drag a selection area, and any Artboards fully-contained within the selection will be selected, rather than their contents
  • Artboards can now be resized by selecting a new size from the list of Artboard presets
  • Minor performance improvement when dragging layers on the Canvas
  • Improved how numbers with many digits are displayed in various places within the UI
  • Added a new option to the Arrange menu to move a layer up in the hierarchy
  • You can now flatten rounded rectangles and other modified shapes
  • You can now easily flip an Artboard from Portrait to Landscape orientation
  • Improved responsiveness of the Welcome to Sketch window
  • Fixed a bug where the opacity of noise fills couldn’t be changed via their text field
  • Fixed a bug that caused memory usage to keep increasing gradually over time
  • Fixed a bug where the Open/Close Path button in the Inspector always displayed "Close Path"
  • Fixed a bug where the correct panel would not be shown in the Inspector when switching from the vector editor to the Artboard tool
  • Fixed a bug where duplicating borders or shadows in the Inspector wouldn’t always work
  • Fixed a bug where an incorrect preview was shown in the Layer List when changing selection in the vector editor
  • Fixed a bug where selecting "Collapse Artboards and Groups" would still leave some of them open
  • Fixed a bug where exporting overlapping Artboards would include each other’s content
  • Fixed a bug where newly inserted layers would snap to hidden objects
  • Fixed a bug where text layers in Symbol instances would appear blank while editing text within their master
  • Fixed a bug where overrides in complex Symbols wouldn’t always behave as expected
  • Fixed a bug where copying and pasting Symbol instances could duplicate their master
  • Fixed a bug where tabbing through text fields in the color picker wouldn’t go in the expected order
  • Fixed a bug where the export preset preferences would scroll before it was necessary
  • Fixed a rare bug where Undo would stop working
  • Fixed a bug where undoing changes in the color picker wouldn’t work as expected
  • Fixed a bug where closing a path would also exit vector editing mode
  • Fixed a bug where closing a vector path could leave parts from the shape outside the selection bounds
  • Fixed a bug where text layers using multiple typefaces wouldn’t be displayed correctly in the Inspector
  • Fixed a bug where the "Resize to Fit" action wouldn’t ignore hidden layers in Artboards
  • Fixed a bug where the macOS color picker wouldn’t apply colors instantly
  • Fixed a bug where a shape’s border could be cropped when creating an Artboard around it
  • Fixed a bug where a layer’s fill color could change if its shadow color was adjusted using the keyboard
  • Fixed a bug where the "Reduce Image Size" action wouldn’t work for image fills
  • Fixed a bug where unexpected artefacts in the Canvas could be shown while in vector editing mode
  • Fixed a bug where resizing multiple Artboards at once could misplace their contents
  • Fixed a bug where click-through could be enabled for random groups
  • Fixed a bug where export formats wouldn’t always be removed from a preset properly
  • Fixed a bug where pressing the Command key while resizing wouldn’t always ignore Smart Guides
  • Fixed a bug where exports wouldn’t be sized correctly when using the ‘w’ or ‘h’ suffix
  • Fixed a bug where a remaining export preset wouldn’t be set as the new default after deleting the current default preset
  • Fixed a bug where group bounds wouldn’t update after nudging layers with the keyboard
  • Fixed a bug where previews of Symbols containing large borders could be clipped
  • Fixed a bug that could occur when adding or editing export presets
  • Fixed a bug where closed paths would reopen when using Layer › Path › Reverse Order
  • Fixed a bug where selecting to export the entire Canvas would create a slice without any export sizes set
  • Fixed a bug where underlines couldn’t be removed from underlined text
Sketch for Mac 45.1 破解版 – Mac上专业的矢量绘图工具-麦氪派
Sketch for Mac 45.1 破解版 – Mac上专业的矢量绘图工具-麦氪派
Sketch for Mac 45.1 破解版 – Mac上专业的矢量绘图工具-麦氪派
Sketch for Mac 45.1 破解版 – Mac上专业的矢量绘图工具-麦氪派
Sketch for Mac 45.1 破解版 – Mac上专业的矢量绘图工具-麦氪派

Sketch for Mac 45.1 下载

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