SimpleMind for Mac 1.15.2 激活版 – 简单易用的思维导图工具


2016-09-30 4,434 百度已收录

SimpleMind 是一款Mac上简单易用的思维导图工具,支持导出格式为PDF, PNG, HTML, TXT, OPML, Freemind等,可以在上下级节点插入多一级节点!

[SimpleMind 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币198元]

SimpleMind for Mac 1.40.0 介绍

SimpleMind Desktop is a mind-mapping tool that turns your Mac into a brainstorming, idea-collecting, and thought-structuring device. It connects to the similar SimpleMind for iPhone/iPad app.

  • Easy to use drag, arrange, and edit directly on the Mind Map page.
  • Tap or drag Node Well to add new Topics.
  • Full Undo/Redo in the editor.
  • Visual styles change colors, borders and lines for maximum presentation impact.
  • Pick colors from style palette or custom colors.
  • Cut/Copy/Paste - move or duplicate topics between Mind Maps.
  • Create new MindMap from selection or clipboard
  • Reconnect topics using drag-and-drop, aided by topic auto-layout.


  • Outliner - in the Inspector panel. Outliner synchronizes with the selection in the editor. Use drag & drop in the outline to reorder topics.
  • Keyboard shortcuts for Show Outline: Command+1, Show Note: Command+2 allow fast switching between topics in outline and note.
  • Angled relation paths.
  • Adjustable relation paths - drag to adjust the path.
  • New build-in style sheet: Chart (angled paths + arrows).
  • Check Spelling for entire mind map, shorcut Command+;
  • Live spelling and automatic spelling correction support for mind map editor.
  • Paste Text as List and Import plain text .txt files. Each new line creates a new topic, leading tabs are interpreted as hierarchy level.
  • "Enable Snap Options" check added to Snap Options. Snap to guide lines and snap to grid are only active when this option is checked. Pressing Command while dragging a topic, temporarily inverts this option. This allows easy enabling/disabling the snap feature in specific cases.
  • Relation style presets, create and apply adjusted relation styles.
  • Export as Encapsulated PostScript (eps) (Export, Mail, Export to Dropbox).
  • Removed "reorder topics" panel, reordering sibling order is now more conveniently done with the outliner.
SimpleMind for Mac 1.15.2 激活版 – 简单易用的思维导图工具-麦氪派
SimpleMind for Mac 1.15.2 激活版 – 简单易用的思维导图工具-麦氪派
SimpleMind for Mac 1.15.2 激活版 – 简单易用的思维导图工具-麦氪派
SimpleMind for Mac 1.15.2 激活版 – 简单易用的思维导图工具-麦氪派
SimpleMind for Mac 1.15.2 激活版 – 简单易用的思维导图工具-麦氪派

SimpleMind for Mac 1.40.0 下载

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