哨兵3:家园保卫战 Sentinel 3 for Mac 1.0.0 激活版 – 华丽丽的超级塔防游戏


2017-01-08 5,254 百度已收录


[哨兵3:家园保卫战 在 Mac App Store 上售价人民币12元]

Sentinel 3:Homeworld for Mac 1.0.0介绍

Sentinel 3: Homeworld ... The biggest installment of the award winning Sentinel sci-fi tower defense series now available for Mac! Join 1.5 million iOS players in the battle to save humanity!

Take the fight to the alien homeworld and unleash a massive arsenal of weaponry! Get up close and personal on the battlefield in your power armor to execute devastating attacks and support your defenses!

  • A challenging campaign featuring 20 levels across 14 distinctive and demanding maps!
  • Over 20 unlockable turrets, orbital ship weapons, automated drones and abilities at your disposal!
  • A powerful new commander unit which can level up and gain new abilities as you play!
  • Customize your weapon loadout in the Armory to match the demands of the mission!
  • Stunning graphics & fx!
  • Endless modes for all maps!
  • Play in windowed mode to carry on "working" or go big with fullscreen mode!
  • Classic mode provides a pure skill-based game mode of challenges!
  • New exclusive music by the creators of the Sentinel 2 music
  • Specimen A.
  • Completely reworked and revamped game engine.
哨兵3:家园保卫战 Sentinel 3 for Mac 1.0.0 激活版 – 华丽丽的超级塔防游戏-麦氪派
哨兵3:家园保卫战 Sentinel 3 for Mac 1.0.0 激活版 – 华丽丽的超级塔防游戏-麦氪派

Sentinel 3:Homeworld for Mac 1.0.0 下载

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