Scrutiny for Mac 8.1.9 破解版 – Mac上优秀的网站SEO检测和优化工具


2018-08-18 1,502 百度已收录


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Scrutiny for Mac 8.1.9 介绍

Scrutiny 是一套网络优化工具。因此,本地可可应用程序(即不是Java)安全、快速和高效。下载包括30天免费试用。

  • 链接检查器
  • SEO分析
  • 生成XML站点地图,可选择包括图像/PDF页面
  • 不安全/混合内容报告
  • 页面加载速度测试
  • 拼写和语法检查
  • 扫描需要身份验证的站点
  • 搜索您的站点(源或可见文本),获取包含或不包含搜索项的页面列表。
  • 网站监视任意多个URL,可以选择警报和日志记录
  • 通过几次简单的点击,日程安排就变得简单了。
  • 完成后,发送电子邮件、保存报表、打开文件或AppleScript、FTP站点地图XML和其他操作
  • 打开并扫描HTML、CSV、纯文本格式或XML站点地图中的链接列表。

What's New in Scrutiny

Version 8.1.9:

  • Enables dark mode when using MacOs 10.14 Mojave (will respect the user's choice of dark or light mode in System Preferences)
  • Different handling of a common issue: linkedIn urls returning a 999 code (even though the link may work in a browser). This is not a Scrutiny issue but common to all webcrawlers / testers. LI seems to detect the rapid requests and/or non-browser querystring and returns a non-standard 999 code. Scrutiny used to present this as a server error and count it as a bad link. Now it labels it as a warning, and does not count it as a bad link. This is because it is not necessarily a bad link, it just hasn't been possible to test it properly.
  • Fixes issue with meta http-refresh not being observed if the page contains content with links. (The content was being parsed for links, in favour of the redirection being observed.)
  • Fixes bug causing no data to show when Filter button on SEO table is set to 'Duplicate descriptions'
  • Better handling of a recurring 'Refresh' response header field which could have appeared to leave the scan hanging when almost 100% finished
  • Fixes a possible crash after exporting links to csv
  • Some fixes to keyword density (reporting keyword stuffed pages) functionality
  • Some improvements to the sorting and filtering which should prevent a short hang when using the 'bad links only' checkbox in the links results. There may still be a bit of a delay with some large sites and when the 'by status' tab is selected.
  • Other small fixes
Scrutiny for Mac 8.1.9 破解版 – Mac上优秀的网站SEO检测和优化工具-麦氪派

Scrutiny for Mac 8.1.9 下载

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