Scrutiny for Mac 7.6.1 破解版 – Mac上优秀的网站SEO检测和优化工具


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[Scrutiny 在官网上售价119美元,约合人民币800元]

Scrutiny for Mac 7.6.1 介绍

Scrutiny is a suite of web optimization tools. Native cocoa app (i.e., not Java) thus safe, fast and efficient. The download includes a 30-days free trial.

  • Link checker
  • SEO analysis
  • XML sitemap generation, optionally include images / PDF pages
  • Insecure / mixed content reporting
  • Page-load speed test
  • Spelling and grammar checking
  • Scans sites requiring authentication
  • Search your site (source or visible text) obtain a list of pages containing a search term or not containing a search term
  • Website monitoring of as many URL's as you like with a choice of alerts and logging
  • Scheduling made easy with a few easy clicks
  • On finish, send an email, save a report, open a file or AppleScript, FTP the sitemap XML, and other actions
  • Opens and scans a list of links in HTML, CSV, plain text format, or XML sitemap
Scrutiny for Mac 7.6.1 破解版 – Mac上优秀的网站SEO检测和优化工具-麦氪派

Scrutiny for Mac 7.6.1 下载

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