ScreenFlow Mac 破解版 最优秀的屏幕录像工具

截图录像 版本号:9.0.1

2019-11-30 4,406 百度已收录

ScreenFlow 是Mac上最优秀的屏幕录像工具之一, 全新版本,增加了大量新的功能,支持屏幕录制、视频编辑、视频导出和发布的整个流程,支持高质量的视频录制,最重要的具有强大的视频编辑功能,如显示鼠标指针、显示键盘按键、添加文字等等,非常的强大!

[ScreenFlow 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币848元]

ScreenFlow 9.0.1 Mac 破解版 介绍


Telestream screenflow®是一个屡获殊荣的,强大的屏幕和视频编辑软件的Mac,使高品质的软件或iPhone的演示、专业的视频教程,深入的视频培训,并动态演示。













What's New in ScreenFlow

Version 9.0.1:

  • MAS: ScreenFlow 9.0 does not recognize ScreenFlow 8 SML entitlement on upgrading
  • Recording Dual Monitor Cursor appears on both monitors simultaneously
  • Export using Motion Blur shows a memory leak with ScreenFlow
  • Adding a SML file from the Clip Editor to the Timeline shows a Domain Error when unl
  • MAS user's SML 9 purchase not recognized in library for SF 9

Version 9.0:

  • Add preference for user to select behavior when double clicking on items in Media Catalog
  • 4K / UHD Canvas & Screen Capture preset
  • Implement thumbnail image cache
  • Increased Thumbnail performance
  • Factor out 'Record Computer Audio' code from the main controller into own class
  • Move scratch disc default from TMP location to another location. This should help with data loss when a project is left open for many days, and macOS performs garbage collection on temp folders.
  • Enable AppleEvent permission workflow in 10.14+
  • iOS recording has shown an OS level intermittent issue. Now, when no frames are detected from the source, a warning will display.
  • "Save as" will throw saving error when SML present in the project
  • 10.15: Allow ScreenFlow to capture computer screen prompt causes first recording to be green
  • 10.15: iOS + Screen or Video recording creates a timeline with an incorrect duration
  • 10.15: No prompt to allow ScreenFlow to capture screen shows when recording after denying/deselecting option
  • 10.15: Saving error shows when trying to save a document with an iOS + Screen or Video recording
  • 10.15: Unable to record iOS devices when iOS device is the only option selected
  • 10.15: Waveforms show incorrectly when adjusting a clips split point using the rolling edit function
  • Can't save document if any Stock Media Library content added
  • Demo Welcome Screen does not scroll with canvas when using scroll bars
  • Denying access to microphone in security settings mutes ability to record computer audio when screen capturing.
  • Hover over snapping icons there is an extra space after the period and "This".
  • Internal validation error shows when setting 'Record Audio from' gear option to 301% or higher
  • Keyboard Accessibility message appears when not capturing the desktop
  • Marching ants color hard to read when system set to dark appearance
  • Option to change the default canvas background color
  • Radar effect squished when partial Screen Recording (portrait), is added to an existing Doc (landscape)
  • Runtime Error encountered when undoing a framerate change with 'Command+Z'.
  • Screen recording action option - transparent cursor background color circle
  • ScreenFlow 10.14 SDK build randomly crashing after playing back content
  • ScreenFlow does not stop recording when disk runs out of space
  • SMPTE preferences only holds for the duration ScreenFlow is open
  • Stock Media Library 'Learn More' text is not localized
  • Timing issue with imported jpegs with playback in SF, but not on export
  • Unable to select the caption gear with a multiple layered timeline
  • When you select ScreenFlow Help in any 8 version the web page tab that opens shows ScreenFlow 7 Help.
  • Zoom to Fit will zoom to height but not width of canvas
Known issues:
  • Exports with motion blur leaks memory. On high end machines, this may not be noticed, but on lower end or older machines, it could lock up ScreenFlow. We plan to fix this in a 9.0.1 hotfix as soon as possible.
  • Adding a Stock Media Library to the clip editor and then the timeline when you have not purchased the Stock Media Library, will show a catalog error rather than a message to inform you that Stock Media Library requires purchase.
ScreenFlow Mac 破解版 最优秀的屏幕录像工具-麦氪派
ScreenFlow Mac 破解版 最优秀的屏幕录像工具-麦氪派

ScreenFlow 9.0.1 Mac 破解版 下载

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