Screen Capture & Recorder for Mac 2.2.1 激活版 – 小巧易用的屏幕录像工具


2017-01-29 2,891 百度已收录

Screen Capture & Recorder是一个完美的屏幕录制软件,核心功能是录制您所看到的高分辨率和高FPS在您的Mac,同时从麦克风和电脑声音录制音频。屏幕捕获和录制还支持视频编辑器修剪录制的视频或其他视频文件,如(mov,mp4,m4v)。

[Screen Capture & Recorder 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币68元]

Screen Capture & Recorder for Mac 2.2.1 介绍

Screen Capture & Recorder is one perfect screen recording software, The core feature is recording exactly what you see with High-Resolution and High-FPS on your Mac, Record audio from Microphone & Computer Sound at the same time. Screen Capture & Recorder also support video editor to trim the recorded video or other video files like (mov, mp4, m4v).


  • High - Resolution: The highest resolution is 2880 x 1800 on Retina Display / 2560 x 1440 on non-Retina Display.
  • High - FPS: The highest frame almost 60 fps in recording.
  • Record audio from Microphone & Computer Sound at the same time.
  • 3 recording mode: Full Screen, Area selection, Fix Window.
  • In Area selection mode, we can known exactly where we want to record in the whole recording time.
  • Record the mouse tracking and double click for some special tutorial video recording.
  • Auto stop recording in the schedule time.
  • Load the recorded video to trim and export again.
  • Auto check the disk space available when recording.

What does Screen Capture & Recorder can do?

We can record video from web online what you see, also we can record teaching tutorial in class etc.

If you have any question, please contact us



Screen Capture & Recorder for Mac 2.2.1 激活版 – 小巧易用的屏幕录像工具-麦氪派
Screen Capture & Recorder for Mac 2.2.1 激活版 – 小巧易用的屏幕录像工具-麦氪派
Screen Capture & Recorder for Mac 2.2.1 激活版 – 小巧易用的屏幕录像工具-麦氪派
Screen Capture & Recorder for Mac 2.2.1 激活版 – 小巧易用的屏幕录像工具-麦氪派

Screen Capture & Recorder for Mac 2.2.1 下载

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