Safe Software FME Desktop Mac 破解版 空间数据转换软件

其他行业 版本号:2019.1.1.19617

2019-09-24 1,095 百度已收录

FME Desktop 2019是加拿大Safe Software公司开发的一款强大专业的空间数据转换器和处理器软件,FME的集成平台使连接数百个系统,以无限方式转换数据以及自动化工作流程变得简单。FME Desktop允许您从数百个来源输入数据并输出数百个。将数据从A转换为B,执行复杂的企业集成或简化繁琐的任务。

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Safe Software FME Desktop 2019.1.1.19617 Mac 破解版 介绍

FME Desktop包含475多个数据转换器,使您可以完全控制数据的内容,结构和样式。此外,没有工具能够更好地处理空间数据的复杂性。FME可以转换空间数据以供使用和共享。与其他任何解决方案相比,它解决了更多格式的空间数据转换挑战,使专业人员更容易解决数据互操作性问题,并帮助他们的组织实现业务目标和所需标准。FME Desktop可以快速,简单地在多种格式之间转换数据。只需指向并单击即可创建移动数据的图形数据流。如今,FME是空间数据转换的主导技术。它支持FME桌面和服务器软件以及比任何其他技术更领先的空间数据应用程序供应商的解决方案。它被全球数以万计的客户广泛使用。

Safe Software FME Desktop is the all-in-one tool for data integration and productivity.

Simple to Use. Easy to Love.
Build workspaces in a few quick clicks using FME Desktop’s drag-and-drop interface. Workspaces are repeatable and can be run again and again.

No coding is required, which means you can spend more time using your data and less time fighting with it. (And FME Desktop also supports Python and R, so you have full flexibility to extend your workflows.)

What Can FME Desktop Do For You?
FME is like the Swiss army knife for your data, one powerful tool to solve many problems. Here are a few examples.

Data Integration, Format Conversion, Data Transformation, QA and Validation and Workflow Automation.

Complex Data Meets Its Match
Work with all of your data in one central spot. FME Desktop lets you input data from hundreds of sources and output to hundreds more. Convert data from A to B, perform complicated enterprise integrations, or simplify a tedious task. It’s all easy with FME.

FME Desktop also includes 475+ transformers, giving you complete control over the content, structure, and style of your data. Plus, no tool is better able to handle the complexity of spatial data.

Safe Software FME Desktop Mac 破解版 空间数据转换软件-麦氪派
Safe Software FME Desktop Mac 破解版 空间数据转换软件-麦氪派
Safe Software FME Desktop Mac 破解版 空间数据转换软件-麦氪派

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